Hint #1 - Watch The 8acklash
Make sure to always watch where the cue (white) ball and the 8 ball are likely to end up; remember that if the 8 ball gets pocketed before you've pocketed all of your pool balls (Solids or Stripes), you'll lose the game.
Hint #2 - Hunker In The Bunker
If a the pool ball you're aiming at is up against the bunker (in direct contact touching it), and you can't cause the cue (white) ball to hit it going perfectly parallel to the bunker, you'll have to hit the bunker and the target pool ball at the exact same time to roll it along the bunker.
Hint #3 - Don't Miss The Features
The game allows players to change their shooting power and spin each shot. Ignoring these features will make good, quality play a lot harder.
Hint #4 - Double-Take It
Sometimes, the pool balls will be sitting in a position that might make it hard to tell whether you're looking at a Solid or Stripe. If you're not 100% positive, remember to check for the other ball of the same color, both on the table and in the list of pool balls already pocketed (where they're displayed number-side out, making it easy to tell).
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