Walkthrough #1 - List Of All Courses (sorted by location in the menu)
NOTE: Each location has 3 courses, simply numbered 1, 2, and 3).
1. Stormy Jungle (top row 1)
2. Tornado Alley (top row 2)
3. Polar Waters (top row 3)
4. Outback Canyon (top row 4)
5. Bay City (bottom row 1)
6. Island Paradise (bottom row 2)
7. Lost Civilization (bottom row 3)
8. Off Limits (bottom row 4)
Walkthrough #2 - List Of All Grand Prix Options (with included races listed in order)
1. Grand Prix 1: Stormy Jungle 1, Tornado Alley 1, Polar Waters 1
2. Grand Prix 2: Tornado Alley 2, Outback Canyon 1, Stormy Jungle 2
3. Grand Prix 3: Polar Waters 2, Outback Canyon 2, Bay City 1
4. Grand Prix 4: Outback Canyon 3, Polar Waters 3, Island Paradise 1
5. Grand Prix 5: Bay City 2, tornado Alley 3, Lost Civilization 1
6. Grand Prix 6: Island Paradise 2, Stormy Jungle 3, Off Limits 1
7. Grand Prix 7: Lost Civilization 2, Off Limits 2, Bay City 3
8. Grand Prix 8: Off Limits 3, Lost Civilization 3, Island Paradise 3
Walkthrough #3 - List Of Available Cars Initially Available (in order)
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