Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. When "Press Start" appears on the lower screen, the host taps the words "Press Start" or presses the Start button.
4. If this is the first time the game is being played, the host will be prompted to enter a name for the save profile.
4a. Letters can be changed by tapping the arrows above and below the current letter.
4b. When a letter is set, tap on the next box to set the next letter.
4c. When the name is completed, press the "A" button until the last box is highlighted - and then once more - to accept the entry.
1. At the main menu, "Arcade Mode" will be on the screen.
2. The host will press down on the direction pad until "Multiplayer" appears in the box.
3. "Multiplayer" will then appear in the box and the host will press the "A" button or tap on the words "Multiplayer" twice.
4. "Wireless Play" will then appear in the box and the host will press the "A" button or tap on the words "Wireless Play" twice.
5. "Host" will then appear in the box and the host will press the "A" button or tap on the words "Host" twice.
6. The guest will power on their Nintendo DS system.
7. The guest taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
8. When the graphic bar appears saying "Space Invaders Extreme", the guest taps on it.
9. The guest's DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
10. When the host's DS says that the guest is connected, the host taps "A - OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen or presses the "A" button.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. Each player will then selec their difficulty handicap to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
2. The higher the number, the harder the match will be (the default number is 3).
3. When each player is ready, they tap "A - OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen or press the "A" button.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Move left: Press left on the direction pad.
2. Move right: Press right on the direction pad.
3. Fire weapon: Press the "A" button or the "B" button.
4. Find items: Shoot down four Invaders of the same color in a row.
5. Use items: Come into contact with an item as it falls.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, your opponent's screen is displayed.
2. On the upper screen, the number of cannons your opponent has left is near the top left corner.
3. On the upper screen, the attack space (showing your attack on your opponent) will be displayed along the bottom edge of the screen.
4. On the lower screen, your screen is displayed.
5. On the lower screen, the number of cannons you have left is near the top left corner.
6. On the lower screen, the Feature space is displayed along the right edge of the screen.
7. On the lower screen, the Power-Up Timer is displayed along the bottom half of the left edge of the screen.
Overall Goals
2. Send Invaders at your opponent.
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