Setup & Timing
Roogoo Attack!'s layout is very "new user" friendly. "Multiplayer" is right on the main menu. The host has to hit the "Y" button it host the game, a note which is clearly stated at the top of the screen (a somewhat awkward location, compared to most Nintendo DS games, but easily doable and well-labeled). "Single-Card Play" is on the following menu. Download speed is slow compared to most other games, but not horrendously so. The opening credits are short.
Menus & Navigation
Menu options are clearly labeled, large, and have clearly defined boundaries. No complaints.
Ease Of Use / Play Control
For the most part, the controls in the Single-Card Download portion of the game are entirely based on button controls (menu excluded). As such, the controls are very accurate. For the most part, the game is based on rotating the planes/discs, which involves the Direction Pad or the "L" and "R" buttons. The "A" button, "B" button, and "X" button come into play occasionally, and are programmed comfortably and layed out well (control-wise). The fact that the rotation is cross-mapped to bothe the "L" and "R" buttons and left and right on the Direction Pad is very convenient. It would be nice if the functions of the "B" and "A" buttons were also cross-mapped to up and down on the Direction Pad, respectively, but it's not a game-killer by any measurement.
In terms of available content, there's a massive amount available via Single-Card Download. Most of the game in fact. The skydiving is out, but 72 levels of the main game are in (plus another 27 if you've linked with Roogoo Twisted Towers on the Wii), with the ability to pick out specific levels to play, plus rules options and multiplayer-exclusive options. Graphically, Roogoo Attack! looks a little rough, but it becomes almost unnoticeable after really getting into the game and focusing on gameplay. Audibly, the music and sound effects are a nice touch, but they're not essential.
Overall Fun
Uniqueness in a puzzle game is often rare these days. Puzzle games have been extremely popular ever since Tetris came out back in 1989. On PCs, they's a dime a hundred. There are countless clones or Tetris, Arkanoid, Jewel Quest, etc. So, when a puzzle game comes along that is unique - and, of course, good - I recommend it. Roogoo Attack is a puzzle race game that involves rotating planes/discs/platforms so that falling items can fit through or pile up in the correct sequence. Like I said, unique.
One thing I will say is that Roogoo Attack! is very repetitive. Though the programmers did a fantastic job programming in variety in the items, goals, colors, shapes, and features, this game is definitely targeted at Tetris DS-type puzzle gamers and not Professor Layton-type puzzle gamers. If you want a repetitive (read: endless) puzzle game with some great multiplayer options, Roogoo Attack! is a terrific candidate. To be fair, I think that Roogoo Attack! does a much better job at being a multiplayer game than it does of being a single player game on the repetition-side, but this review only reflects the Single-Card Download portion of the game (as always). The programmers were very pleased with the multiplayer package they put together here, and rightly so. Heck, they even mentioned it three (3) times on the back cover!
Cross-map the function of the "B" button (flipping the colors, when applicable) to up on the Direction Pad.
Cross-map the function of the "A" button (dropping objects downward faster) to down on the Direction Pad.
Offer a downloadable single player Demo.
Include a level editor and allow the custom levels to be played via Single-Card Download.
Overall Single-Card Download Rating: 90 / 100 (a.k.a. 45/50)
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