Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
1. The host taps "Multiplayer" (the second option from the bottom).
2. The host taps "Create A Group" (the bottom option).
3. The host taps "Easy" (the bottom option).
4. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
5. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
6. When the graphic bar appears saying "Rafa Nadal Tennis", the guests tap on it.
7. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
8. When the host's DS listst all guests trying to connect, the host taps "Start" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
(There are no selectable options.)
Game Controls / How To Play (Stylus Control Scheme)
1. Movement: Tap a destination on the court and your tennis player will move to that spot for the next stroke.
2. Serve: After moving the player to the spot they'll serve from, hold the stylus to the screen until the power bar is full and then (if necessary) draw a short line left or right for ball direction.
3. Returning The Ball: After moving the player to the spot they'll hit from, draw a line; the direction of the line will indicate direction and the length will indicate power.
4. Lob: While drawing the line to return the ball, hold up on the direction pad or hold the "X" button.
5. Top Spin Stroke: While drawing the line to return the ball, hold down on the direction pad or hold the "B" button.
6. Drop Shot: While drawing the line to return the ball, draw the line directly downward.
7. Special Shot: While drawing the line to return the ball, hold right on the direction pad or hold the "Y" button.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, the current venue is noted in the top center of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, each players' current games won and points earned in the current game are in the center of the screen.
3. On the upper screen, the player that is serving has a tennis ball to the left of their name and player number icon.
4. On the upper screen, the speed of the current hit is in the bottom left corner.
5. On the upper screen, the number of games each player has won in each set of the match is displayed in the bottom right corner.
6. On the lower screen, your player is in the bottom half of the screen.
7. On the lower screen, your opponent is in the top half of the screen.
Overall Goals
2. Prevent your opponent from scoring.
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