Hint #1 - Small Circles With Big Effects
If you draw your circles too big, you'll have to draw them again, which will slow you down.
Hint #2 - How's Your Aim?
You don't have to encircle the entire difference - just part of it. In the main game, getting the whole thing inside the circle (with the circle's shape resembling what's being circled) can help your score, but not do much in the Single-Card Download multiplayer experience.
Hint #3 - Hidden In Plain Sight
Some of the differences will be obvious, like when a large item is added to the picture. Others won't be so obvious, like when a very small item is added or when an item is revomed. Other times, items will be replaced with other items. One thing you can count on, though, is that most of the differences won't stand out really clearly. It'll almost always look like it (the change) was the way the image was originally created.
Hint #4 - Helpful Negativity?
Be careful of which distraction you select. The Negative Disruption can have a side-effect of highlighting the chang in the image.
Hint #5 - Mo Say, "Ic"?
The Mosaic Disruption may very well be the most effective Disruption out of the three, which is why it phases in and out. It will significantly hid small details.
Hint #6 - Haven't I Seen This Before?
Remember, while you you may have seen an image before, it have have a different addition/alteration/substitution/subtraction than the last time you saw it. Some image sets have as many as a dozen or more differences (while, yes, some only have one or two).
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