Hint #1 - Proper Prism Preparations
To use prisms most efficiently, the first thing you should do is identify how many Glowbos there are and of what colors. If there are white Glowbos, the light will have to be split before entering the prism. The see if there is one red, one blue, and one yellow Glowbo. If yes, you only need to see which direction the prism is facing and the redirect the light. If there is more than one of a paricular color (and there are no other ways to change the color (Filter Blocks and Cycloids), then a light split will be required. If there is not a Glowbo for one of the colors, that color be be left aiming at a wall.
Hint #2 - Mirrors & Cycloids & Glowbos: Oh My!
Some objects have limits...
- Mirrors can NOT be rotated.
- Cycloids rotate colors automatically and that can NOT be altered.
- Glowbos can NOT be moved.
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