Walkthrough #1 - List Of In-Game Abilities With Descriptions (sorted alphabetically)
1. Absorb - Drain all nearby rivals, absorbing their points and somach gauge.
2. Bomb - Shoot a bomb which attaches itself onto a rival. Exploded bombs reduce score, but they can transfer the bomb by attacking.
3. Flame - Set nearby rivals aflame with a burst of fire. While on fire, they move very slowly and their controls are reversed.
4. Form - You transform into an elemental monster. You can eat objects and rivals just by touching them.
5. Shock - Blast all nearby rivals with a shockwave and reduce their stomach gauge. It will even hit transformed monsters.
6. Shrink - Shrink you rivals. Tiny monsters can't eat objects, and you can stomp on them.
7. Slash - Shoot a spinning blade which reduces the score of rivals it hits. It can be bounced back by guarding.
8. Speed - Run at high speeds and defy gravity by walking on air! Anyone who touches you will be blown away.
9. Steal - Drain all rivals' abilities, and steal one of them for yourself.
10. Thunder - Shoot a thunder ball that seeks the rivals with the highest score. It does damage and reduces their ability to eat.
11. Wave - Flush rivals off the edge of the map with this tidal wave attack.
Walkthrough #2 - Gameplay Tutorial: Basics
3. "When you eat an object, your score increases."
4. "The player with the highest score wins the match."
6. "Face towards an object, then press the A Button to pick it up."
7. "Once the object is in your mouth, press the A Button again to bite it."
8. "You can spit the object out by pressing the B Button."
10. "Face towards another monster, and press the A Button to attack."
11. "You can also attack by using your breath... but you'll have to figure out how!"
12. "Keeping other monsters off-balance with well-timed attacks will help you win the game."
Walkthrough #3 - Gameplay Tutorial: Abilities and Nutrition Power
1. "Abilities and Nutrition Power"
3. "The object you are eating appears in the top-left corner of the screen."
4. "If you eat three objects in a row that have the same element, you will get an ability."
5. "The ability can be used at any time by pressing the R Button."
7. "Some objects are very nutritious! They contain 'nutrition power'."
8. "If an object has nutrition power, you can eat 3 of them in a row to absorb that power."
9. "Nutrition power makes the monster much stronger."
10. "When you eat the same object twice in a row, the object's nutrition type (if any) will appear."
11. "Using abilities and nutrition powers properly will help you win the game."
12. "End of Abilities and Nutrition Power"
Walkthrough #4 - Gameplay Tutorial: Growing Bigger
2. "The larger the object you eat, the more points you get."
3. "But, you can't eat large objects when you're a little monster!"
4. "You get bigger by filling up your stomach gauge."
5. "The gauge is located in the bottom-left corner."
6. "Fill your stomach gauge by eating 'power up' objects."
7. "Each time you fill your stomach gauge, you will increase in size."
8. "This allows you to eat larger items."
9. "Large items give you more points, so make sure you grow nice and big!"
10. "End of Growing Bigger"
Walkthrough #5 - Gameplay Tutorial: Eating Timing
3. "When you eat objects, timing is important."
4. "Try to press the button when the timing gauge is green."
5. "If you press the button at the right time, 'Good' appears on the screen."
6. "Getting 'Good' bites increases your biting power and helps you eat much faster."
8. "If you eat an object with only 'Good' bites, you will get a 'Perfect' point."
9. "Collect many 'Perfect' points to start 'GABUGABU Time!'"
10. "During GABUGABU Time, you don't have to worry about timing. Just press the button."
11. "Also, during GABUGABU Time you get double points from eating!"
12. "You will also be invincible to your opponents' ability attacks so eat as much as you can."
13. "GABUGABU Time is a useful trick that will help you win the game."
14. "End of Eating Timeing"
Walkthrough #6 - Gameplay Tutorial: Licking Objects
2. "Some objects attack with elements - fire, water or thunder."
3. "Objects with elemental powers are resistant to 'biting', so you had better 'lick' them instead."
4. "If you see fire, water or thunder elements on the object you're eating, press the X Button to 'lick' it."
5. "Combine 'licking' and 'biting' to eat objects most effectively."
6. "End of Licking Objects"
Walkthrough #7 - Gameplay Tutorial: Special Skills
2. "Each character has a 'Special Skill' which can be used during GABUGABU Time."
3. "GABU's Special Skill"
4. "GABU has a Special Skill called 'Boost'."
5. "During GABUGABU time, 'Boost' makes GABU's 'licking' power stronger."
6. "When you press the X Button to 'lick'..."
7. "You can eliminate the element attack in one 'lick'!"
8. "BARI's Special Skill"
9. "BARI has a Special Skill called 'Crush'."
10. "When you press the A Button to 'bite'..."
11. "If an object isn't generating fire, water or thunder, 'Crush' lets you eat it with one bite!"
12. "End of Special Skills"
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