Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. The host will need to select the game's primary language.
3a. To select English (default), tap "English" on the lower screen.
3b. To select a different language, tap the arrows on the center of the left edge or the right edge of the lower screen, the tap the name of the language.
4. The host taps "Start Game" on the lower screen.
1. The host taps "Wireless" (the third option from the top).
2. The host taps "Host Liar's Dice" (the middle option).
3. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "Pirates Of The Caribbean: At...", the guests tap on it.
6. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
7. When the host's DS lists all of the guests that are trying to connect, the host taps "Send" in the center of the screen.
8. Each guest taps the crossed swords icon near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. Once each player sees all of the players' names on the lower screen, they can select a different character profile.
NOTE: Different character profiles do not affect the gameplay.
2. Players can change their selected character profile by tapping the gold left and right arrows surrounding the outline of a head to the right of their name.
3. When each player has selected the character profile they want to play with, they tap the crossed swords icon near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4. The host can add in computer AI (artificial intelligence) characters by tapping on any red "X" symbols on the left side of the lower screen, next to an empty slot.
5. The host taps on the red X once for an AI Easy character, twice for an AI Normal character, thrice for an AI Hard character, and a fourth tap to remove the AI character.
6. The host can select each AI characters' profiles in the same manner that players select their own character profile - by tapping on the arrows to the right of their name.
7. When the last player has selected their character profile, the game will begin.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. In Liar's Dice, each player will guess (bid) the number of dice with a certain face value.
2. To begin, each player shakes their cup (containing their five dice).
3. Players shake their cup by touching it with the stylus, moving the stylus around (without lifting it from the screen), and then lifting the stylus.
4. Once each player has rolled their dice, the player whose turn it is to begin the bidding will be named at the bottom of all players' upper screens.
5. The player whose turn it is begins by selecting which dice face value they want to bid on.
5a. The currently selected dice face value is shown on the lower screen in the second golden outline from the left (near the lower screen's top right corner).
5b. To change the dice face value you want to bid on, tap the up and down arrows above and below the golden dice face value box.
5c. Players can bid on the following dice face values: 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
6. The player whose turn it is then selects how many of that dice face value they want to bid.
6a. The goal in the bidding is to predict how many of a particular face value there are total when counting everyone's dice.
6b. The currently selected bid amount is shown on the lower screen in the far left golden outline (near the lower screen's top right corner).
6c. To change the bid amount, tap the up and down arrows above and below the golden bid amount box.
6d. Players can bid any quantity from one through the total number of dice in play.
6e. TAKE NOTE: Skull & Crossbones dice faces count as each and every other dice face value simultaneously (they are the wild card).
7. To lock a bid, the player whose turn it is taps on "Bid" near the left center of their lower screen.
8. The next player has two options: make a new bid or call another player's bluff.
9. If the player wants to make a new bid, the bid can be of any dice face value and can be any quantity that is great than, or equal to, the previous bid.
9a. The new bid has to increase either the bid amount or dice face value.
9b. If a player makes a new bid, they select the dice face value and the bid amount in the same manner as above.
EXAMPLE: If the previous player bid "2 fours", the new bidder can bid "3 (or more) fours" or they can bid "2 (or more) fives" or "2 (or more) sixes".
10. If the player wants to call another player's bluff, they tap "Call" in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
10a. If the player calls another player's bluff, all of the dice with the matching dice face value (and Skull & Crossbones) are added up.
10b. If there were a number of matching dice equal to the bid amount, there was no bluff and the player that called the bluff loses a die.
10c. If there were a number of matching dice greater than the bid amount, there was no bluff and the player that called the bluff loses a die.
10d. If there were a number of matching dice less than the bid amount, the bidding player's bluff is called and they (the bidder) lose a die.
11. After a bluff is called and someone loses a die, all players' remaining dice go back in their cup and the process begins again.
12. When a player runs out of dice, they lose.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, each player's dice are displayed on the top half of the screen (the only face values revealed are your own).
2. On the upper screen, the current bid is shown in between the two horizontal gold lines.
3. On the upper screen, the game displays whose turn it is along the bottom edge of the screen.
4. On the lower screen, the bid amount selector is in the top left corner.
5. On the lower screen, the dice face value selector is to the right of the bid amount selector (along the top edge of the screen).
6. On the lower screen, the "Bid" button is on the left side below the bid amount selector and the dice face value selector.
7. On the lower screen, the "Call" button is in the bottom left corner below the "Bid" button.
8. On the lower screen, your cup and dice are on the right side of the screen.
Overall Goals
2. Trick your opponents into bidding incorrectly.
3. Call your opponents' bluffs.
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