Hint #1 - Bid The Odds
When bidding, odds are a big part of deciding what to bid. You know what is showing on your dice, but not on any of your opponents' dice. The odds state that 1/3 of the face down dice will read any one particular dice face value. Why 1/3? Because every die has 2 chances out of 6 to have a particular face value (their own plus the Skull & Crossbones, which counts as any and every number simultaneously) and 2/6 = 1/3. Does this mean that 1/3 of the dice will be of a particular face value? Not at all; in fact, there may be none. Just remember, odds are a good place to start - from there, it's all bidding, bluffing, and calling bluffs.
Hint #2 - Jump The Shark
Got a lot (four or more) of a particular dice face value? Start with a low bid (one) of that any dice face value, and on your second turn jump the bid up by at least three. Often, a disbelieving opponent will call a bluff instantly, causing themselves to lose a die!
Hint #3 - Remember To Call 'Em
Don't get so caught up in bidding that you forget to call bluffs. If you do and you have to start bluffing yourself, you'll probably get called on your bluffs and you'll have lost your opportunity to turn the tables for that round.
Hint #4 - Read Them Thar Tells
Being a Vs Play game, you'll be within close quarters with your Liar's Dice opponents. Just like in Poker (or any other game that requires bluffing or lying, for that matter), people have tells - subtle hints they give off when lying. They can be a blink, a tweak of the head, looking around, fiddling with their hair, or just about anything. If you can read a player's tells, you'll know when they're lying just by looking at them,
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