Basic Setup & Connecting To The Nintendo DSi Shop To Buy The Game
1. Power on the Nintendo DSi system.
NOTE: The Nintendo DSi system will have to be within range of a Wi-Fi Internet connection.
2. Tap on the lower screen.
3. Scroll (left or right) until the "Nintendo DSi Shop Channel" icon (a blue shopping bag) is highlighted.
NOTE: The default location for the Nintendo DSi Shop Channel is the fifth (5th) icon from the left.
4. On occasion, a system update may be necessary. The screen will contain the following text...
4a. "There is an update for the Nintendo DSi Shop! To receive this update, go to the System Settings and select System Update. When you return to the Nintendo DSi Shop, you will receive the update. Come back after you've updated!
4b. Instead of following the on-screen directions, tap on the "System Update" button across the bottom of the lower screen.
4c. When "Connect to the Internet and update system?" appears, tap the on-screen "Yes" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
4d. The following text will appear on the lower screen...
- "An update is available for your Nintendo DSi system. Without this update, certain DSi application or games may not work. More information is available at support.nintendo.com." [External]
4e. Tap the on-screen "Next" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4f. Tap the on-screen "I Accept" button in the top half of the lower screen.
4g. Tap the on-screen "OK" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4h. The update will begin automatically.
4i. The lower screen will read: "The system update is complete. In order for the new settings to take effect, you must restart your system."
4j. Tap the on-screen "OK" button near the bottom center of the screen. The Nintendo DSi system will power off.
4k. Turn the Nintendo DSi system back on and begin again.
Searching For The Game
1. Tap on the "Start Shopping" button across the bottom of the lower screen.
2. To begin searching for the desired game, tap the "DSiWare" button across the top half of the lower screen.
3. Tap the "Find Titles" button across the bottom half of the lower screen (above the blue "Back" button).
NOTE: Games can also be found by tapping on the four colored Point value buttons.
4. Tap the "Search by Software Title" button across the lower screen (above the blue "Back" button).
4a. Games can also be searched for by popularity by tapping on the "Popular Titles" button near the top left corner of the lower screen.
4b. Games can also be searched for by recent additions by tapping on the "Newest Additions" button near the top right corner of the lower screen.
4c. Games can also be searched for by publisher by tapping on the "Search by Publisher" button in the left side of the lower screen.
4d. Games can also be searched for by game genre by tapping on the "Search by Genre" button in the top left corner of the lower screen.
5. Using the on-screen keyboard, type "Pop Island" or "popisland" and then tap the on-screen "OK" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
NOTE: If an incorrect letter is tapped, the backspace key is near the top right corner of the keyboard (the grey arrow button).
6. A bar will appear for the desired game and the number of points required will be in the bottom right corner of the bar.
Nintendo DSi Points
1. Nintendo DSi Points are needed in order to purchase software from the Nintendo DSi Shop.
1a. Nintendo DSi Points are the currency used to buy games and applications on the Nintendo DSi Shop.
1b. At the bottom of the upper screen, the number of Nintendo DSi Points available will be displayed.
1c. The value of 100 Nintendo DSi Points is equal to $1.00 (U.S. currency).
1d. Games and applications on the Nintendo DSi Shop are usually 200, 500, or 800 Nintendo DSi Points, but there are some exceptions.
1e. Nintendo DSi Points can be purchased at a store (a 2000 Nintendo Point card) or in the Nintendo DSi Shop with a MasterCard or Visa credit card.
1f. Nintendo DSi Points can be added from the "Start Shopping" menu by tapping "Add Nintendo DSi Points" on the left side of the lower screen.
1g. Nintendo DSi Points can be added later by tapping the blue "P" button that appears at the top center of the lower screen.
2. If there are not enough points available, tap the blue "P" button in the top center of the upper screen.
3. To add Nintendo DSi Points, tap the blue "P" button at the top center of the lower screen or the "Add Nintendo DSi Points" button on the "Start Shopping" menu.
4. To redeem a Nintendo Points card that was purchased from a store, tap the "Redeem Nintendo Points Card" bar (the top bar).
4a. Gently scratch off the silver strip on the back of the Nintendo Points Card.
4b. Tap the blank space beneath "Redeem Nintendo Points Card" in the center of the lower screen.
4c. Enter the sixteen (16) digit Nintendo Points number that was hidden behind the silver strip on the back of the Nintendo Points Card.
4d. Tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4e. Tap the blue "OK" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4f. To confirm the addition of the points, tap the blue "Redeem" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5. To purchase Nintendo DSi points with a MasterCard or Visa, tap the "Buy Nintendo DSi Points with a Credit Card" bar (the top bar).
5a. Pick a value of Nintendo DSi points to purchase and tap on the appropriate button.
NOTE: The choices are "1000 Points/$10.00", "2000 Points/$20.00", "3000 Points/$30.00", and "5000 Points/$50.00".
5b. Tap on the MasterCard icon or the Visa icon, depending on which type of credit card is being used.
5c. Tap the blank space to the right of "Credit-Card Number" (at the top of the lower screen).
5d. Enter in the credit card number using the on-screen number pad and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5e. Tap the black space to the right of "Expiration Date" (the left side of the second row from the top).
5f. Enter the two digit expiration month of the credit card (01 through 12) and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5g. Tap the blank space to the right of "20" (the right side of the second row from the top).
5h. Enter the last two digits of the expiration year of the credit card and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5i. Tap the blank space to the right of "Security Code" (the third row from the top).
5j. Enter the three digit Security Code for the Credit Card and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5j1. The Security Code is on the back of the credit card, to the right of the signature pad.
5j2. For more information on Security Codes, tap "What's a security code?" on the lower screen.
5k. To read the Security Statement (if desired), tap the "Security Statement" bar (the fifth row from the top and second from the bottom).
5l. Tap the blue "OK" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5m. Tap the blank space to the right of "City" (the top row).
5n. Enter the name of the city the credit card bill is sent to using the on-screen keyboard and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5o. Tap the blank space to the right of "State" (the second row from the top).
5p. Enter the two letter abbreviation of the state the credit card bill is sent to using the on-screen keyboard and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5q. Tap the blank space to the right of "Zip Code" (the third row from the top).
5r. Enter the zip code the credit card bill is sent to using the on-screen keyboard and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5s. Tap the blank space to the right of "County" (the fourth row from the top).
5t. Enter the name of the county the credit card bill is sent to using the on-screen keyboard and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5u. Tap the blue "OK" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5v. The amount of the charge (including local tax, if applicable) is shown on the lower screen.
5w. To confirm the purchase, tap the blue "Yes" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
5x. The newly purchased points and new point total are shown on the lower screen.
5y. A receipt can be seen by tapping on the blue "View receipt" button in the bottom right corner of the lower screen (if desired).
5z. Tap on the "OK" bar on the lower screen to return to the Nintendo DSi Shop and the desired game.
Purchasing The Game
1. Tap on the bar for desired game.
NOTE: If too many search results were found to fit on one screen, blue arrows to the left and the right of the page number in the bottom right corner of the lower screen can be tapped.
2. Tap the giant blue "Download - 500 Points" button on the lower screen.
3. The lower screen may say "Please check the information on the top screen." Read the upper screen and tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4. The lower screen will say, "Downloading the software requires 500 Nintendo DSi Points and uses 97 blocks in the system memory." Download this software now?"
5. Tap the blue "Yes" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
6. When "Download Successful!" appears on the lower screen, tap the "OK" bar in the bottom half of the lower screen.
7. Tap the "Continue" bar at the bottom of the lower screen.
8. To return to the Nintendo DSi's main menu, tap the blue "DSi Menu" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
9. Tap the blue "Yes" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
10. The new software will be in the furthest left channel that was previously empty.
11. Scroll (left or right) until the blue gift icon (a present with a bow) is highlighted.
12. Tap the blue gift icon and the blue gift icon will be replaced with the icon for Pop Island.
Starting The Game & Downloading
1. On the Nintendo DSi's main menu, scroll (left or right) until the "Pop Island" icon (a penguin with a surf board) is highlighted.
2. Tap on the Pop Island logo.
3. When "FOR A MAXIMUM PLAYING PLEASURE, ADJUST THE VOLUME TO A SUITABLE LEVEL OR USE HEADPHONES!" appears on the lower screen, the host can press the "A" button or the Start button to continue.
4. When "PRESS START" appears on the lower screen, the host presses the Start button or taps the words "PRESS START" on the lower screen.
5. There are two Single-Card Download multiplayer options: "Share Demo" and "Multiplayer"
5a. To send a Demo version of the game to another DS or DSi system, the host taps "SHARE DEMO" (the second row from the top).
5b. To play a multiplayer game against another DS or DSi system, the host must first send the downloadable Demo.
6. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS or DSi system.
7. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button or icon.
8. When the graphic bar appears saying "Pop Island", the guests tap on it.
9. The guests' DS or DSi systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
10. When each guest's DS or DSi system is connected and "PRESS START TO SHARE DEMO" appears on the host's lower screen, the host presses the Start button.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. To play a single-player game, tap "SOLO" (the top option).
1a. Tap "JOYFUL" (the top option).
NOTE: The "PLAYFUL" option is not available in the Demo.
1b. Tap "EARTH" (the third option from the top in the left column).
NOTE: The other options are not available in the Demo.
1c. Select a character by tapping on either character on the lower screen: Craig (in the top left corner) or Kat (in the top right corner).
1d. Select a difficulty by tapping on EASY, NORMAL, PRO, or CRAZY.
1e. The directions will appear on-screen.
1f. To begin, tap anywhere on the lower screen.
2. To play a multiplayer game...
2a. The host taps "MULTIPLAYER" (the third option from the top).
2b. The host tap "CREATE" (the top option).
2c. The guest(s) tap "MULTIPLAYER" (the middle option).
2d. The guest(s) tap "JOIN" (the bottom option).
2e. The guest(s) tap the name of the system they wish to connect to.
2f. When the host's DSi says that the correct number of players (themself included) are connected, the host presses the "A" button.
2g. There are two types of available multiplayer: "JOYFUL" and "PLAYFUL" and the host taps on their selection.
2g1. In JOYFUL, several neutral flags appear throughout the stage and replenish themselves regularly.
2g2. In PLAYFUL, there is one enemy flag that must be stolen from within their base.
2h. The host selects the playing field (planet) by double-tapping their choice of the eight available planets.
2i. Each player double-taps their desired character.
2j. The host selects the number of characters on each team by tapping the desired numbers.
NOTE: The choices for each team are 5 (the default), 8, 12, and 16.
2k. When the numbers have been finalized, the host taps on the blue arrow in the top right corner of the lower screen.
3. To view the game's credits, tap "CREDITS" (the bottom option).
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Move: Press up, down, left, or right on the Direction Pad.
2. Jump/Fly Higher: Press the "A" button.
3. Shoot Firecrackers: Press the "B" button.
4. Locate flags, capture them (move into them), and return to the home base.
5. Pick Up Random Items: Drive into green question mark.
6. Use An Item: Press the "L" button.
7. Swap Screens: Press the Select button.
What To Look For
NOTE: The two screens can be swapped at any time by pressing the Select button.
1. On the upper screen, the playing field is displayed.
2. On the upper screen, home bases are designed like four pillars together in a small area.
3. On the lower screen, the map is shown.
4. On the lower screen, the countdown timer is displayed above the map.
5. On the lower screen, the two teams' flag captures are tallied to the left and the right of the map.
6. On the lower screen, the players' rank among their own team is displayed beneath their team's tally.
7. On the lower screen, your character's profile image will be twice as wide as the others.
Overall Goals
1. Earn the highest score.
2. Capture the most flags.
3. Shoot the most enemies.
Other information available:
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