Walkthrough #1 - Pokémon Trozei! Pokédex
1. The Pokémon Trozei! Pokédex is too large to be part of a file and is instead its own file.
2. To view the Pokémon Trozei Pokédex, CLICK HERE.
Walkthrough #2 - Pokémon Trozei! Mini Adventure Mode Information
1. A grand adventure of an Agent of justice against the Pokémon-kidnapping Phobos Battalion!
2. Catch the excitement of Trozei Adventure in the full version!
3. The full version of Pokémon Trozei has a whole lot to offer!
4. There's not only Trozei Adventure, but also the Trozei List of rescued Pokémon and the Ranking Status, which track the top scores of many players!
Walkthrough #3 - Pokémon Trozei! Mini "How To Play" Information
1. Line up four identical Pokémon to Trozei them.
2. Once you do, the Trozei Chance arrives! You can Trozei just three, then two after that!
3. See Training for details.
4. Trozei Battle is for two players.
5. Drop Pokémon on your foe by making continuous Trozeis
6. Pair Trozei is also for two players.
7. Help your partner with continuous Trozeis and aim for the best score!
Walkthrough #4 - Pokémon Trozei! Mini Training Mode
Slide the SOLROCK in the top row to the right and make it drop down.
Line up four identical Pokémon and Trozei them to make them disappear.
1. Touch the only Solrock on the second level and drag it to the right. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
In the same way, make the top-row SOLROCK drop down.
Lining up five identical Pokémon also Trozeis them so they disappear.
2. Touch the only Solrock on the second level and drag it to the left. When "Clear! appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
Slide the row containing the SOLROCK to the right.
As long as four of them line up, you'll Trozei them so they disappear.
3. Touch any of the Solrock on the bottom level and drag the row one space to the right. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
Slide down the SOLROCK in the top row.
When the SOLROCK are Trozeid, the remaining WOOPER will vanish in a continuous Trozei.
4. Touch the Solrock on the second level and drag it downward, pushing the Wooper beneath it to the top of the upper screen. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
Just like before, but this time slide DITTO down.
DITTO is special. It can take the place of any kind of Pokémon.
5. Touch the Ditto on the second level and drag it downward, pushing the Wooper beneath it to the top of the upper screen. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
That triggers a Trozei chance.
During a Trozei chance, you can Trozei with just three.
After, you can Trozei pairs until the Trozei chance ends.
6. Drag both of the Solrock on the second level downward, pushing the Woopers beneath to the top of the upper screen. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to continue.
Slide up the SOLROCK and Trozei them.
Sliding Pokémon upward is an important technique.
7. Drag the only Solrock on the bottom level upward. When "Clear!" appears, tap the touch screen to return to the "How To Play" screen.
Walkthrough #5 - Pokémon Trozei! Mini Battle Mode Introduction
1. Take on another player in battle!
2. Trozei Pokémon and drop them on your opponent!
3. Touch the icon of your opponent and throw down your challenge!
Walkthrough #6 - Pokémon Trozei! Mini Pair Mode Introduction
1. Team up with another player and try for the best score!
2. Touch the icon of the player you want to pair up with and send your invitation.
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