Setup & Timing
Setup and navigation are simple. Single-Card Download play is within the "VS" menu. There isn't a long, drawn-out, forced-viewing opening credits sequence. Download time is between 1 minute 20 seconds and 1 minute 25 seconds.
Menus & Navigation
Menus, in addition to being well-structered, are well-spaced. You won't accidentally tap the wrong option without seriously missing the traget. All options are legible and make sense.
Ease Of Use / Play Control
Play control in the game is a simple aim-and-tap mechanism. The game's accuracy is excellent so, if your vision and reaction time is there, your score will be too. There's really nothing to muck it up. Some people may find it a little more comfortable with a fingertip stylus or a full pen-sized stylus for this game rather than a traditional stylus, but that's an individual preference.
The game actually has several different looks, depending on the activity you're working on at the moment. Eveything from black and white to color, 2D to 3D, and everything in between. Some of the games involve shooting realisti-looking cardboard standees of people, which may (or may not) bother some parents. Sound effects are prevalent and very appropriately add to the games feel. There are five courses to select from, each with four games. Only three of the games appear more than once, meaning there are 17 unique games in the game's Single-Card Download experience.
Category Score: 12.5 / 15
Overall Fun
Playing the game is really, really simple to explain. Aim, then tap. That's it. You'd think that wouldn't be fun, but they've put so many activities and so much depth into the game, that it can keep you busy working on topping your own scores with multiple game choices. Point Blank DS is also very reminiscent of QuickSpot. Both games are similar in their focuses on vision, reaction speed and timing, and accuracy. If you like QuickSpot, you'll like Point Blank DS. As is always the case, no one game is right for everyone. If you're into in-depth role-playing games, this game isn't for you. If you're into puzzle and reaction games, you'll enjoy Point Blank DS. With the exception of adding in more (courses, games, modes, options, themes, eveyhting), I can't picture a better traget-shooting DS game (design-wise).
Offer two options: game tracks (like in this version) and each individual activity separately (with expanded length).
Allow up to 4 (or up to 8?) players via Single-Card Download.
Include a downloadable demo option that provides practice for the "Aim-And-Tap" mechanic, as well as an activity or two.
Overall Single-Card Download Rating: 81 / 100 (a.k.a. 40.5/50)
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