Hint #1 - Why Preserve Lives?
The lives in Point Blank DS's multiplayer gaming are virtually meaningless. Yeah, they give you points if you have some left, but only 300 per at the end of each game. Often, you'll find that if you try to preserve the lives across the four games in a course, you'll be giving up a lot more than 900 points per game trying to preserve the three lives. Beside, when you run out of lives, you keep playing and can still win.
Hint #2 - Abduction Aborted (Course D, Game 2 and Course E, Game 2): The Tongs Of Injustice
Shoot quickly. Don't stop. There are plenty of UFOs to shoot. The craft will also drop tongs before they go in for the abduction. First and foremost, protect your character from being abducted.
Hint #3 - Beware The Barrels (Course C, Game 3): The Invisible Donkey Kong
Barrels will start coming at you from the top of the hill. They'll bounce (?!?) and move slowly (?!?), so you'll have enough time to shoot them. Make sure that they don't hit your character (who, for some reason, is staying on the bridge). No, you won't see Donkey Kong, but then again, who else throws barrels at short dudes in video games?
Hint #4 - Bouncing Bull's-Eyes (Course C, Game 4): Beam Me Away
Why are bull's-eyes bouncing on I-beams? I don't know. Just remember that most (NOT all) of the bull's-eyes will bounce straight up at least once, giving you a good, clear shot (as long as they're not being covered up).
Hint #5 - Bull's-Eye Board (Course A, Game 3 and Course E, Game 4): Simon Says Connect Three
This game will present you with a sequence of exactly three flashing bull's-eyes out of nine on your board in a random order. It will always be exactly three and no individual bull's-eye will flash twice in the same sequence. Remembering them as "ABC DEF GHI" may help. Remembering them as "123 456 789" may also help. For some people, the best strategy is to visualize their locations on the 3x3 grid. Whatever helps you, just remember not to hesitate once it's your turn to respond.
Hint #6 - Bull's-Eye Coaster (Course E, Game 1): Jump The Tracks
In this game, the bull's-eyes will follow overlapping tracks and, at some point, all of the tracks have a spot where the bull's-eyes will quickly hop forward. Get used to where the hop is and you'll be able to shoot the bull's-eyes after they hop for better success.
Hint #7 - Cleaning Up The River (Course B, Game 3): C'mon! Keep up!
The little guy who follows you around is running back and forth along the river bed. Inside the river, several dozen cans slowly float downstream. The goal is to shoot the shans so that they hop out of the water and the guy catches them on his try. Remember: he won't go after the cans (I don't know hwy not), so you'll have to time your shots so that the cans land on his tray. In other words, don't shoot where he is - shoot where he will be.
Hint #8 - Cosmo Gangs (Course D, Game 3): Bullet In Mouth Disease
You have to shoot these creepy, mechanoid-like aliens in the mouth to make them back up and start over. Yes, I know it's ridiculously violent. Unfortunately for you, their mouths are extremely small. If they get the mysterious crates in from of them and drag them back to their lair, you lose. Just remember that if you hit them before they get to the crates, they can't drag the crates back, using them as shields the entire way.
Hint #9 - Cracky Crab (Course C, Game 2): A Shot To The Shell
Crabs run back and forth. If you shoot them they'll quickly make an exit from the playing field. The giant barrier that covers the center of the top half of the field is only a cover though. Whatever goes in one end will come out the other end exactly as expected.
Hint #10 - Duck Shot (Course A, Game 2): Quack, Quack, Croak!
Shooting your ducks as they enter the screen means you'll get higher points, but if the jump the gun, you may end up shooting the wrong duck or even a bomb. Then again, if you don't care about maintaining your lives (see above)...
Hint #11 - Flippin' Bull's-Eyes In Zego G (Course B, Game 1): Patience Is A Virtue
Every target is red on one side and blue on the other side. If you shoot too late, your target will become your opponen't target. If you wait patiently, however, your opponent's targets become yours.
Hint #12 - Flipping Target Board, The (Course D, Game 4): Total Flippin' Insanity
You'll have 18 targets to shoot at: you'll have nine on either side grouped into threes. This is a perfect level for throwing those lives away. Not only will it make this game much easier, it's the lasty game in Course D, so you're not missing out on bonus points in susequent games.
Hint #13 - Gator Panic (Course B, Game 2): Whack-A-Gator
This game is, for all intents and purposes, the old Whack-A-Mole game, but in 2D (not the graphics, but the fact that the gators all all nice and lined up for you). All you need to know here is that you ned to shoot the top of their heards and their schnozzes, NOT inside their mouths.
Hint #14 - Hallway Of Horrors (Course B, Game 4): Put Your Hands Up!
This is one of two games with more realistic graphics where you have hostage-takers and hostages. You're supposed to shoot only the criminals. In this game everyone with their hands up is a hostage. Everyone else, and I really do mean EVERYONE ELSE, is a perp and needs to be shot. Hey, I didn't create the game, I just report the gameplay!
Hint #15 - Shoot Away II (Course A, Game 1): Like A Violent Discus Event
Up to two clay pigeons are on the screen at a time, never more. They are small and white and almost blend in with the background. Yeah... um... just shoot them.
Hint #16 - Shoot Down The Satellite (Course A, Game 4): Spies Ahoy!
The satellite's segmented into three main parts: the left solar panel, the right solar panel, and the core of the unit. The core will take twice as many shots as the each solar panel because you have to destroy it's outer hull (it's shielding) and then it's innards (mechanics). This is a cooperative game. Either both people succeed or neither does. Though, if you're quick enough, one person CAN do it, even on Insane difficulty.
Hint #17 - Stop Bugging Me (Course D, Game 1 and Course E, Game 3): Stupid Little Bugger!
The fly can extremely difficult to hit with a bullet (realism!), but there are other targets you'll get points for if you miss the fly, such as the pictures on the wall and other destructable environmental items.
Hint #18 - Terror At The Train Station (Course C, Game 1): So Many Crooks, So Little Time
This is almost the same game as Hallway Of Horrors, except it takes place at a train station and some of the hostage-takers will be hiding behind poles and whatnot. On the hardest difficulties, if you want to clear the stage, you can almost always expect some civilian casualties, so don't be surprised if no dead hostages mean failure. Once again, gratuitous violence prevails.
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