Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. When the host's lower screen says "Touch To Start", the host taps the lower screen.
4. If the host has never played (or created a profile), the host will need to create a profile before continuing...
4a. To create a profile, the host taps on "{New Profile}" (any will do)
4b. The host enters a profile name by tapping the letters on the on-screen keyboard (any name will do).
4c. The host then taps "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5. If a profile already exists, the host taps on their profile.
1. The host taps on "Extras" (the bottom banner).
2. The host taps on "Poppit! Demo" (the top banner).
3. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "POGO Island", the guests tap on it.
6. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
7. When the host's DS asks if you would like to transfer the demo, the host taps "Yes" (the bottom bar).
Game/Feature/Options Selection
(This demo has no selectable features.)
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Blue, red, purple, and yellow balloons are randomly arranged in a 13x8 grid.
2. Whenever two or more balloons of the same color are above, below, to the left, or to the right (but not diagonal) of each other, they can be popped.
3. To pop a baloon, tap it with the stylus.
4. When a balloon is successfully popped, all adjacent (not diagonal) balloons of the same color pop with it.
5. When a balloon is successfully pooped, aqll balloons beneath the one(s) that was popped will rise up to fill the gap(s).
6. If the last balloon in a column is popped, the columns to the left and the right will move in to close the gap.
7. Some balloons contain either presents (a picture of a present is in the balloon) or special items (a giant star is in the balloon).
8. Popping a balloon with a present will either drop the present into a lower balloon or cause Spike The Cactus to drop a present to you.
9. If Spike The Cactus drops all of the presents to you, you win.
10. Popping a balloon with a special item wiill either drop the special item into a lower balloon or cause Spike The Cactus to drop a special item to you.
11. Special items are not always available. When special items are available (and have been earned), there are two different special items...
11a. The push pin can be used to pop any one balloon still in play at any time.
11b. To use the push pin: pick it up by touching it with the stylus, drag the stylus (without lifting it from the screen) to the target balloon, and let go.
11c. The anvil can be used to lower all balloons in one column down by one balloon's height for a single pop, allowing you to have new color combinations.
11d. To use the anvil: pick it up by touching it with the stylus, drag the stylus (without lifting it from the screen) to the bottom of the target column, and let go.
11e. You cannot decide which special item you will receive.
12. If you win (release all of the prizes) and still have balloons that can be popped, the game will ask if you'd like to keep popping or just receive your score.
13. You will only receive a final score if you won the game.
14. Your final score includes...
14. A Super-Pop Bonus (15-25 points for each time you popped eight or more balloons at once, depending on the number of balloons popped)
14. A Balloons Remaining Bonus (various point bonus received if you have five or less balloons remaining, 40 points if no blloons are remaining)
14. An Unused Power-Up Bonus (10 points for each special item you earned but did not use)
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, Spike The Cactus and the unearned presents are represented on the upper bridge.
2. On the upper screen, all of the presents earned will have been dropped to the lower bridge.
3. On the lower screen, the "Undo" option (when available) is in the bottom left corner.
4. On the lower screen, the "Options" menu (which only allows you to adjust the volume) is located in the bottom right corner.
5. On the lower screen, the push pin (when available) is located half way up the left edge of the screen.
6. On the lower screen, the anvil (when available) is located half way up the right edge of the screen.
Overall Goals
3. Earn the special items.
4. Pop the most balloons possible at once.
Other information available:
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