Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
1. The host taps "Multi Player" (the middle option).
2. The host taps the Ship (Difficulty) of their choice.
3. The host taps "Create Battle" (the bottom option).
4. The host taps "Single Card Play" (the bottom option).
5. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
6. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
7. When the graphic bar appears saying "Pirates: Duels On The High Seas", the guests tap on it.
8. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
9. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps "Cut 'em off" (the bottom option) after the words turn red.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. The host selects the Battle Location.
1a. The Battle Location selection is chosen by tapping the left and right arrows before & after the option itself (the line below the words "Battle Location").
1b. The choices are Random (default) or Choose.
2. The host selects the Battle Type.
2a. The Battle Type selection is chosen by tapping the left and right arrows before & after the option itself (the line below the words "Battle Type").
2b. The choices are 10 Kills Wins (default), 15 Kills Wins, 20 Kills Wins, and 50 Kills Wins.
3. When the otptions are set as desired, the host taps "Continue" (at the bottom of the list).
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Steer: Press up/down/left/right on the direction pad.
2. Sail forward: Press the "R" button.
3. Sail backward: Press the "L" button.
4. Pick up an item: Sail into the item.
5. Fire cannons: Press the "A" button.
6. Fire the special weapon: Press the "B" button.
7. Cartographer Ability: Tap on the map icon in the top left corner of the map on the lower screen to increase viewable area for items and ships.
8. Navigator Ability: Tap on the sail icon in the bottom left corner of the map on the lower screen to increase sailing speed.
9. Shipwright Ability: Tap on the saw icon in the top right corner of the map on the lower screen to repair your ship, if you have enough gold ($).
10. Gunner Ability: Tap on the cannon icon in the bottom right corner of the map on the lower screen to increase the distance your shots will travel.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, a bird's eye view of the immediate area is displayed.
2. On the upper screen, the number of kills each player (1 through 4, in order) has achieved so far in this game is in the top right corner.
3. On the upper screen, your ship's health is along the bottom edge of the screen, on the left side.
4. On the upper screen, your current special weapon is shown (along with quantity) in the bottom right corner.
5. On the lower screen, a map of a larger area is displayed.
6. On the lower screen, the current amount of gold ($) available is displayed in the top center.
7. On the lower screen, the Cartographer (map) Icon, which increases visibility of items and ships, in at the top left corner of the map.
8. On the lower screen, the Navigator (sail) Icon, which increases ship speed, is in the bottom left corner of the map.
9. On the lower screen, the Shipwright (saw) Icon, which repairs damage to your ship at the cost of gold ($), is in the top right corner of the map.
10. On the lower screen, the Gunner (cannon) Icon, which increases the range of your weapons, is in the bottom right corner of the map.
Overall Goals
1. Sink your opponent(s) the chosen number of times.
3. Pick up items and special weapons.
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