Hint #1 - Cartographer Ability
The Cartographer Ability helps you see items and other ships anywhere on the map that you've visited (andywhere that's been mapped by your cartographer. Early on, it's a good idea to sail around the outside of the level so that the whole thing will be visible to you throughout the rest of the duel.
Hint #2 - Navigator Ability
The Navigator Ability lets you sail a little faster than normal. While it won't appear to make a huge difference in navigating the map, it'll make a huge difference when chasing down, or escaping from, another ship.
Hint #3 - Shipwright Ability
The Shipwright Ability will repair your ship rather quickly if you have the gold to pay. One full ship repair will run about 1000 gold, but you'll need plenty of gold for many small repairs. This is the perfect excuse to pick up every item you see (well, this and the speacial weapons, of course).
Hint #4 - Gunner Ability
The Gunner Ability will increase the range of your shots. This affords your ship the ability to shoot further and, if youre opponent is (trying to) repair their ship with their Gunner Ability or get away with their Navigator Ability, you'll be able to shoot them while staying out of their firing range.
Hint #5 - Rammy Von Rammstein
In the game, just like in real life, you can ram other ships. Just like in real life, however, if you do it enough, both ships will go down.
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