Setup & Timing
The setup is simple and quick. The game does not take a long time to download. Not much to say here.
Menus & Navigation
The game will be downloading with only a handful of clicks. Simple, quick access. This is the easiest Single-Card Download feature
to get into of any of the games I've played so far.
Ease Of Use / Play Control
The game doesn't have a lot to it. You pick up the food and then deposit it in the log, all of which happens automatically. Aside from the
direction pad for movement, the "A" button activates bonuses and the "B" button can either hit your opponent or throw food. That's it.
For what it is, the look of the game is fine and the sound is appropriate with the voiceovers almost sounding like the
original actors from the movie. The whole of the game lasts two minutes (not counting the 5 seconds of menus and the ~30 seconds worth of downloading.
The game, however, has no options aside from which character you play, and all of them are identical in function. The only difference is the look and
the voiceover. Nothing else.
Overall Fun
I want to begin by stressing that the reviews on this site are only a reflection of the Single-Card Download function of the game, not the
entire game. Before I state my opinion on the SCD portion of the title, I just was to say that I have played through the main game and I
DO enjoy it. The main game is well thought out and well executed. It's fun, clever, and a great departure from other movie/tv property
tie-ins, many of which are just bad. Vicarious Visions did a great job on the main game, and I highly recommend it as a single-player game, even to
people who haven't seen the movie (which I also very much enjoyed when I saw it prior to reviewing this title).
As for the multi-player aspect of this game, well... Let's just say that "Race To Collect The Most Food" gives a whole new meaning to the
"mini" in "mini game". While the yards do randomly generate, there is no variation to the game. Touch the food, touch the log. That's it. While
it's obvious how good the menus and navigation are to get into the Single-Card Download mini game, it's at least as obvious how bad everything is once
the Single-Card Download mini game begins. Even the option to hit your opponent ("B" button) gets in the way of the game and makes no sense following
the story of both the movie and the main game. To make matters worse, if you're facing the wrong direction or if you're not close enough to the
character you want to hit, you throw your food away! Yes, I know, you can throw it into the log, but why? Except in the very rare yard, this is
useless and annoying. Add to that the fact that if you miss the log or throw food on accident, it'll sink into the ground and not wait for you.
What?! Oh, and by the way, why are the dogs blind with no sense of smell?
Single-Card Download (Over The Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts is missing the feature)
Put at least one creative mind behind the SCD aspect of the game.
Overall Single-Card Download Rating: 34 / 100 (a.k.a. 17/50)
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