Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. When "Tap To Continue" appears on the lower screen, the host taps anywhere on the lower screen.
4. The host selects a profile by tapping on the profile of their choice.
Downloading & Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. The main menu is set up to look like a crossword puzzle; options are selected by tapping on the words & then on "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
2. The host highlights "Multiplayer" (2 Across, at the top of the screen) by tapping on it and then the host taps "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
3. The host selects the type of game to play by tapping "new co-op game" or "new vs. game" at the bottom of the lower screen.
3a. If the host selected "new vs. game" as the game type, the host must then select a time limit.
3b. The time limit is set in whole minutes and can be set anywhere from 1 minute to 99 minutes (the default setting is 5 minutes).
3c. To change the time limit, the host taps on the arrows on either side of the time limit number (left arrow for fewer, right arrow for more).
4. The host then taps on "SingleCard" (the bottom option) and then taps on "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
6. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
7. When the graphic bar appears saying "The New Yourk Times CROSSWORDS", the guests tap on it.
8. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
9. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps "Start" in the lower right corner of the lower screen.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Tap on a sqaure to highlight one of the words the letter is part of.
2. To switch to the other word the letter is part of (across or down), double tap that same square.
3. To enter a letter into the highlighted square, write the letter in the square in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
NOTE: Letters entered by the other players are in colors (instead of the standard white).
4. Instead of writing the letter in the square, an on-screen keyboard can be used.
4a. Access the menu by tapping "Menu" in the top right corner of the lower screen or by pressing the Start button.
4b. Tap the word "Preferences" (the bottom option) and then tap "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4c. On the right side of the lower screen, the top option is "Keyboard" ("Off" will be checked).
4d. Tap "On" immediately underneath "Keyboard" ("On" should become checked) and then tap "OK in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
4e. Tap "Resume" in the bottom left corner of the lower screen to return to the crossword puzzle.
5. To be given the correct letter for the highlighted square, tap "Hint" (near the top right corner of the lower screen) or press the "X" button.
NOTE: Letters given via "Hint" are marked with a yellow diamond in the top right corner of the square.
6. To erase the letter in the highlighted square, tap "Erase" (near the top right corner of the lower screen) or press the "B" button.
NOTE: Letters given via "Hint" cannot be erased.
7. To switch from one word to the next (or previous) one, press the "R" button (or "L" button).
8. To zoom out (or back to all the way in after going all the way out), press the "Y" button.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, the players' names (and scores in Vs) are listed on the top half of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, the current word is displayed in red boxes (one per letter) in the middle left side of the screen.
3. On the upper screen, the current word's across/down number and its length (in parentheses) are located above the current word.
4. On the upper screen, the current word's clue is located beneath the current word.
5. On the upper screen, the clock (which counts down in Vs and counts up in Co-op) displays the time in the bottom right corner.
6. On the lower screen, the puzzle is displayed in the left 2/3 of the screen.
7. On the lower screen, the on-screen "Menu" button is in the top left corner.
8. On the lower screen, the on-screen "Hint" button is beneath the on-screen "Menu" button.
9. On the lower screen, the on-screen "Erase" button is beneath the on-screen "Hint" button.
10. On the lower screen, the writing area is the square in the botto right corner.
11. On the lower screen, the keyboard (if activated) is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
Overall Goals
1. Both Games: Successfully complete the puzzle.
2. Co-op: Clock in as short of a time as possible.
3. Vs: Score as many points as possible before time runs out.
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