Hint #1 - Begin With Thick!
Every puzzle has exactly seven pieces to it, but what's the best place to begin? One method is to look at the thick five-sided piece. Often times, there are only a few places that piece (of any orientation, regular or diagonal) can fit becazuse of its thickness.
Hint #2 - Begin With Thin!
Another method is to look at the two tiny, thin pieces. Often times, there are areas in the puzzle that are two narrow to fit any other piece properly.
Hint #3 - Begin With Long!
Yet another method is to look at the long, four-sided piece. Often times, there are only a few places that piece (of any orientation, regular or diagonal) can fit because of its length.
Hint #4 - Free Floaters
Another way to begin is to look at free floates: puzzle areas that are exactly the same size and shape as one (or two, like in the case of a square made up of two triangles) of the pieces.
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