Walkthrough #1 - Game Introduction & Initial Profile Creation
NOTE: To proceed from one screen to another, tap "Continue" along the bottom edge of the lower screen.
1. "Welcome to the WTI, the Word Training Institute! As the name suggests, we have a revolutionary concept that will help you"
3. "We call it: EXPRESSION POTENTIAL which, put simply, is a measure of your ability to express yourself."
4. "Expressing yourself better means you can deliver speeches which make people cheer, write songs or poems that"
5. "move people, tell more captivating stories, and also write letters and emails that say exactly what you mean."
6. "So you see, words are powerful."
7. "When is the last time YOU learned a new word? How many do you think you learned last year? Would you like to learn more?"
9. "Here at the WTI we improve your Expression Potential by playing training games, which get you to practice with new"
10. "words. Once you've reached your daily of new words, your Expression Potential get updsted."
11. "Here is the first training game, called missing Missing Letter. Touch CONTINUE..."
12. "Write the answers on the bottom screen in CAPITALS using the stylus."
13. The player taps "PLAY" across the bottom of the lower screen and plays "Missing Letter".
14. "Did you notice the bar marked CORRECT ANSWERS MADE TODAY? That represents your daily quota. As you"
15. "play the training games, you will practice with new words, and so the number of words you have seen at the WTI will go up."
16. "Once you reach your daily quota, you will be able to receive an Expression Potential update!"
17. "The words you practice with will be the ones you need, based on your Expression Potential. As you progress, you will"
18. "see the words get more difficult. The words for Missing Letter were for someone with an Expression Potential of 30%."
19. "This next game, Split Decision, is going to use harder words. After, you'll get an extimate of your Expression Potential."
20. "Here is Split Decision. It helps you learn words by providing context for them. Touch the new icon and now the blue button."
21. The player taps the (new) bouncing green icon and then taps "PLAY" across the bottom of the lower screen and plays "Split Decision".
22. "Now you have practiced enough words for me to calculate your Expression Potential: ???" (There will be several screens of personalized breakdown.)
23. "The more you play the training games, the more new and different words you will see - once you register a Profile."
24. "When you create a Profile, we can assign you a complete official Expression Potential. After that, we will tailor"
25. "the training to your level, giving you more challenging words as you progress."
26. "Your EP assessment will be ongoing, after every training game, and once you've reached your Daily Quota, you will receive an"
27. "Expression Potential update."
28. "In addition to botaining an official Expression Potential, creating a Profile gives you access to:
29. "- new and more challenging training games / - complete record of your progress / - other tools to help improve your"
30. "vocabulary / - and even some word games which are just for fun!"
31. "To create your Profile, touch the gray icon."
32. The player taps on the bouncing gray icon on the lower screen.
33. "This enables you to edit or delete your Profile."
34. The player taps on the blue "Go" button across the bottom of the lower screen.
35. "Let's start by writing your name in the box on the Touch Screen. Touch OK when you're done."
36. The player spells out their name in the blue box and then taps "OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
37. "Please enter your date of birth by touching the numbers on the bottom screen."
38. The player enters their birth month (01-12), birth date (01-31), and birth year (1900-Present) by tapping on the correct numbered buttons on the lower screen.
39. The player then taps "OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
40. The player then selects the country they live in.
41. If the correct country is United States, the flag will already be on the screen.
42. If the correct country isn't the United States, the player can cycle through the options by tapping the arrows on the left and right sides of the lower screen.
43. When the correct country is selected, the player tape "OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
44. Next, the player selects their desired coach from the available choices.
44a. To sort through the coaches, the player taps the arrows on the left and right sides of the touch screen.
44b. Alistair Archibald: "How strong is YOUR vocabulary? With my assistance, we can make your vocabulary impeccable."
44c. Veronica Munroe: "Good expression is the key to success! Let me professional methods help you achieve your goals."
44d. Lucius King: "People don't move people; vocabulary moves people. I can help you express your great ideas."
44e. Penny: "With a good vocabulary, you can do anything. I write verses, and I'd like to help you do what you want, too!"
44f. When the chosen coach is on the upper screen, the player taps "OK" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
45. The player then confirms the entered information by tapping "Enter" near the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
46. "This is a Profile icon. Your icon will show what you entered during your Profile creation process."
47. "Just touch your icon on the Welcome screen to continue practicing your Profile!"
48. The player taps anywhere on the lower screen to continue.
49. "As you grow, so does your vocabulary. We use Expression Potential as a way of measuring how your vocabulary fits with all the words needed for full self-expression."
50. The player taps anywhere on the lower screen to continue.
51. "To increase our vocabulary we have to see new words often!"
52. "However, vocabulary can grow at different speeds. Consistence is the key!"
53. "Everyone has a different vocabulary size!"
54. The player taps anywhere on the lower screen to continue.
55. "Here are some example of Expression Potentials: 85% - Editor-In-Chief, 80% - Orator"
56. "The higher your Expression Potential the better."
57. The player taps anywhere on the lower screen to continue.
58. "Now it is time to evaluate your Expression Potential officially."
59. "Answer the following questions as quickly and honestly as you can."
60. "Note that some of the examples are not real words!
61. The player taps anywhere on the lower screen to continue.
62. "Assessment: Is English your native language?" The player taps "Yes" or "No on the lower screen.
63. 36 words will appear on the lower screen, one at a time.
64. If the player recognizes a word as a real word, they tap "Yes" (on the left side of the lower screen).
65. If a player does not recognize a word as a real word, they tap "No" (on the right side of the lower screen).
66. After the exercise, the player taps anywhere on the lower screen to procede.
67. An analysis (in the form of a percentage) will be displayed on the lower screen.
68. "Based on your training game and Assessment results, your official Expression Potential is ??%. Your level is ???."
69. "This is agood beginning. Our goal is to increase your Expression Potential."
70. "We'll practice together, and you are guaranteed to learn new words. Let's get your training program started!"
71. "Here is a more challenging version of Split Decision. Touch the Medium button to play at the new difficulty level."
72. The player taps "Mudium" near the bottom center of the lower screen and plays Split Decision on Medium difficulty.
73. "Since you've registered, we've updated your Daily Quota. This means that you can play more training games, see new"
74. "words, and get another Expression Potential update today."
75. "With these short daily sessions, you can make your own Expression Potential 100% before you know it!"
76. "I can already see the improvements you're making. To see your Progress review, touch the new red icon now."
77. The player taps the bouncing red icon and then the blue "View" bar on the bottom center of the lower screen.
78. "Your EXPRESSION POTENTIAL is the percentage that tells how many words you know out of all the words needed to express yourself fully."
79. The player taps "Exit" near the bottom left corner of the lower screen to continue.
80. "Now that you've registered, you have access to all of our tools, and we will start tracking all your results."
81. "Have a look at all the new features and continue training! As you keep progressing, more training methods will"
83. "Since I'll be tracking your progress continually, through the training games and the daily quota, you can get"
84. "Expression Potential updates every day."
85. "Encourage your friends and family to join, and compare your EP to theirs!"
86. The player proceeds to second to last setting (the picture of the door) and then taps the blue "Quit" at the bottom center of the lower screen.
Walkthrough #2 - "Block Letters" Tutorial
NOTE: In between steps, the player taps the touch screen.
1. "Turn the DS so the touch screen is on your right."
2. "In BLOCK LETTERS, the chalkboard shows the words you have to spell. You don't have to spell them in order."
3. "Spell words by touching the ltter blocks."
4. "Touching the ERASER button will allow you to cancel all the selected letters."
5. "Be careful! The game will end if you let the blocks stack higher than the line."
6. "When the spelling is complete, touch the OK button. Wrongly-spelled words will be refused."
7. "This completes our tutorial. Touch PLAY to begin."
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