Hint #1 - Crazy Eights: Plan Ahead, Maybe...
In Crazy Eights, the other players can play anything. Even in larger games, however, the suit will only change about half of the time (or less) in between your turn and your next turn. If you're playing an "8" card, look at two things when deciding on what suit to choose. The first thing to consider is the number of cards you currently hold for each suit (the game will tell this to you). The other things to consider are what card values you hold. If you have Aces and Twos, that might be more of an incentive.
Hint #2 - Ninety-Eight: Proceed With Backup
Got a King early? You could turn things up right away, but what if the other players each have Jack or a Queen? The best plan is to have two backups when you play that King. Valid backups include Queens, Jacks, Tens, and additional Kings.
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