Walkthrough #1 - List Of Monsters (listed alphabetically)
1a. Appearance: A round bomb with pointy limbs
1b. Official Description: A basic monster. When hit by the same colored ball, it will be destroyed. This monster does not often advance toward the Deadzone Area.
2a. Appearance: An oil barrel
2b. Official Description: A stronger version of Bomb. One hit by a same colored ball will turn it into Bomb. Its attack objective is to rush toward the Deadzone Area.
3a. Appearance: A grenade
3b. Official Description: Can transform the three types of walls for a fixed interval (see below). It doesn't advance toward the Deadzone Area, but it does hang around on screen.
4a. Appearance: A slug-like ooze
4b. Official Description: An exploding monster that can affect others. It is destroyed when hit by a ball of the same color. It makes big moves left and right, and advances toward the Deadzone Area with irregular movements.
5a. Appearance: A double pack of TNT
5b. Official Description: A stronger version of Mite. It turns into a Mite when hit by a ball of the same color. Ryou is fast and advances toward the Deadzone Area with irregular movements.
Walkthrough #2 - Holes And Walls (listed alphabetically)
1. Hole - Black Hole: Swallows up shot balls.
1. Hole - White Hole: Spits out shot balls that black holes have swallowed.
2. Wall - Horizontal Scroll Wall: Moves left and right (created by Miba).
3. Wall - Iron Wall: Industructable wall that doesn't move.
4. Wall - Rotating Wall: Rotates in place (created by Miba).
5. Wall - Vertical Scroll Wall: Moves up and down (created by Miba).
Walkthrough #3 - Item List: Power-Up Items (listed alphabetically)
1. Cancel (affects monsters)
1a. Appearance: pointed, labeled with "C"
1b. Effect: Miba-affected walls will all change back
2. Delete (affects monsters)
2a. Appearance: pointed, labeled with "D"
2b. Effect: Eliminates all monsters whose color matches the ball that hit this item
3. Extend (affects shot balls)
3a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "E"
3b. Effect: Power temporarily increases
4. Gauge Full (affects shot balls)
4a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "G"
4b. Effect: Fills the Rainbow Gauge
5. Power (affects shot balls)
5a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "P"
5b. Effect: Shot balls will temporarily all be at max power
6. Recovery (affects the playfield)
6a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "R1"
6b. Effect: Barrier will recover by one level
7. Revival (affects the playfield)
7a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "R2"
7b. Effect: Barrier will recover by two levels
8. Slow (affects monsters)
8a. Appearance: rounded and colored blue, labeled with "S"
8b. Effect: Slows the monsters' speed temporarily
9. Stop (affects monsters)
9a. Appearance: rounded and colored green, labeled with "S"
9b. Effect: Stops the monsters temporarily
10. Vanish (affects the playfield)
10a. Appearance: crystal-shaped, labeled with "V"
10b. Effect: Iron Walls disappear temporarily
Walkthrough #4 - Item List: Power-Down Items (listed alphabetically)
1. Curve (affects shot balls)
1a. Appearance: rounded, labeled with "C"
1b. Effect: Shot balls will randomly zigzag temporarily
2. Destruction (affects the playfield)
2a. Appearance: rounded, labeled with "D"
2b. Effect: Barrier will lose one level
3. Eliminate (affects the playfield)
3a. Appearance: pointed and colored maroon, labeled with "E"
3b. Effect: Empties the Rainbow Gauge
4. Erase (affects the playfield)
4a. Appearance: pointed and colored green, labeled with "E"
4b. Effect: Disables items temporarily
5. Increase (affects monsters)
5a. Appearance: pointed, labeled with "I"
5b. Effect: More monsters appeard
6. Speed (affecrs monsters)
6a. Appearance: pointed, labeled with "S"
6b. Effect: Increases the monsters' speed temporarily
Walkthrough #5 - Item List: Multi-Player Only Items (listed alphabetically)
1a. Appearance: rounded, labeled with "I"
1b. Effect: Disables opponet's items temporarily
2a. Appearance: rounded, labeled "M"
2b. Effect: Disables opponet's ability to make chains temporarily
3a. Appearance: pointed and rainbow colored, labeled "R"
3b. Effect: Increases the speed of opponent's monsters temporarily
4a. Appearance: rounded, labeled "R"
4b. Effect: Opponent's displayed item is destroyed
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