Hint #1 - Did you hear that?
The sound is extemely important in Metroid Prime Hunters. Sound effects let you know whether or not you successfully picked up an item or just missed it. If another player is behind you and they're shooting at you and they miss (let's say they hit a rock ledge or a wall really close to you), there might not be any visual clues to let you know that anyone was shooting at you - just the audible ones.
Hint #2 - Look down or fall down.
When scampering over a narrow bridge or along a narrow ledge, it's easy to accidentally walk off. If you have this problem (which a lot of new players do), try looking down in these circumstances and watch your feet. This will help you learn the controls better... oh, and to not fall.
Hint #3 - Unlock them thar levels, feller!
Twelve (12) different battle arenas can be unlocked just by playing multiplayer games (including Single-Card Download games). Another can be unlocked by playing one four-player game. To best enjoy the game and to get more replay value out of the experience, unlocking more battle arenas really helps. For a complete list of levels and how to unlock each of them, check out DSSingleCard.com's Metroid Prime Hunters Walkthroughs.
Hint #4 - Know thy implements of death.
Each of the weapons in the game have different effects, abilities, firing methods, and amounts of damage they deal. Know what each one does. Test them out in a private little area of the battle arena where you have a couple seconds of time where you don't have to dodge weapons fire (if your current battle arena has such a spot). For a list of weapons, check out DSSingleCard.com's Metroid Prime Hunters Walkthroughs.
Hint #5 - Check your six (and the rest of your 360 x 360).
Remember that Metroid Prime Hunters's Single-Card Download experience is not an on-rails shooter. Opponents can pop out of anywhere at any time. Remember to check in front of you, behind you, above you, to your left, to your right, and (if you're near a ledge) below you.
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