Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
You can watch through the opening movie or skip it by tapping on the lower screen.
3. Tap at the start screen to enter the main menu.
NOTE: Meteos launched in Single-Card Download Play (both in the Demo and the Vs Play) do NOT count for your main game's accumulation.
3. If your game ever seems to have frozen, press (all at the same time) to reboot the game itself: "L" button & "R" button & Start & Select.
1. The host taps on "Wireless" twice.
2. The host then taps on on "DS Donwload Play" twice.
3. Select the planet on which to do battle... (listed with name, theme, width, and Instruction Booklet descriptions)
3a. Geolyte (Life-themed) - 9 columns wide, "Stacks fall slowly here, making it well suited to beginners."
3b. Firim (Fire-themed) - 7 columns wide, "With a narrow play field and rapid speed, this isa good planet to launch attacks from."
3c. Oleana (Water-themed) - 9 columns wide, "H2O Meteos appear frequently on this planet, and the Meteos stack move as if underwater."
3d. Anasaze (Soil-themed) - 9 columns wide, "The quick launches on this plant make the bonus for lowest-level ignitions slightly larger here than on other planets."
4. Once the planet you want to battle on is pictured on the screen, tap on the planet's picture once.
5. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
6. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
7. When the graphic bar appears saying "Meteos Vs.", the guest(s) taps on it.
8. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
9. Once all of the guests' names appear on the host's lower screen (right hand side), the host taps on "Launch Meteos!".
10. The Versus download will take approximately 20 seconds.
1. The host taps on "Extras" twice.
2. The host then taps on "Demo Download" twice.
3. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "Meteos Demo", the guests tap on it.
6. Once the "DS Links" number on the owner's lower screen equals the number of guests, the owner taps on "Send Meteos Demo!".
7. The Demo download will take approximately 20 seconds.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. The first option, the planet to battle on, was selected prior to download. (see above)
2. In a Stock Game, the game ends after a preset number of planet novas (player losses).
Your choices for a Stock Game are 1 Planet Nova (default), 2 Planet Novas, 3 Planet Novas, 4 Planet Novas, and 5 Planet Novas
3. In a Time Game, the game ends after the time limit expires with the winner being determined by the most board wins (score if a tie).
Your choices for a Time Game are 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes (default), 4 Minutes, and 5 Minutes
1. Tap Single Mode to play a single-player game with the challenge of surviving for five minutes.
2. Tap Demo Vs. Mode to can play against other people with the demo version, but NOT with the actual game (that's what Versus Play is for).
2a. One player must create a group by tapping on "Create Group".
2b. Once the group has been created, another player can tap "Join Group" once the group creator's name appears on their screen.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Meteos blocks are sorted by color/pattern.
2. Meteos blocks are moved vertically by dragging them up or down with the stylus.
3. Meteos blocks are removed by launching them into the air and off the top of the screen.
3a. Launching Meteos blocks off the top of the screen is the only way to remove them from the board.
3b. If you launch enough Meteos blocks off the top of the screen at a time, more Meteos blocks will be dropped on your opponent (Vs).
4. To launch Meteos blocks up into the air, you must arrange them so that a chain of three (3) or more of the same Meteos block type are in a row.
4a. You can have a chain of three or more of the same Meteos block type in a row vertically or horizontally, but NOT diagonally.
4b. Whether the blocks will launch further into the air when arranged horizontally or vertically depends on what planet you're battling on.
5. To launch Meteos blocks up into the air, they do NOT need to be on the ground.
5a. Launching Meteos blocks from the ground will not usually send a lot of Meteos blocks off the top of the screen.
5b. Meteos blocks can be launched from mid-air (from an already launched group).
6. To get the most height when launching Meteos blocks into the air (and hopefully off the top of the screen)...
6a. Launch height is determined by each planet's gravity, what's sitting on top of what you're launching, and a planet's reaction to your Meteos chains.
6b. Launch height is decreased when the chain of 3-or-more-in-a-row are beneath a tall pile that is weighing them down.
6c. Launch height is increased when the chain of 3-or-more-in-a-row are closer to the bottom of a stack, especially when launching from mid-air.
6c1. The rocket flames that launch the Meteos are most effective when at the bottom of a group.
6c2. If you launch from the middle of a group, lower the Meteos blocks that you launched with to the bottom to keep them up longer.
7. If you can continually launch a Meteos group before it hits the ground, the height and speed will keep increasing.
8. If you have Meteos blocks beneath a group that is up in the air, you can throw those Meteos blocks up at the group.
8a. On some planets, this will make the group go higher into the air.
8b. On some planets, this will make the group stay in the air longer, but won't raise the group any higher.
8c. On some planets, this will not affect how long the group is in the air.
8d. If you do this and it makes a new chain of 3-or-more-in-a-row, it will relaunch the entire floating group.
9. Some items will fall along with the Meteos blocks in Vs. Tapping them will usually intitiate a countdown before the effect...
9a. Cross Bomb (red/white/blue circle with a red "+"): destroys all Meteos blocks horizonally and vertically from it.
9b. Fury Hammer (a silver hammer head with a handle): randomly destroys Meteos on the screen.
9c. Heavy Weight (an iron bar in a yellow band): crushes three columns of Meteos blocks.
10. If you need to pause the game, press the Start button.
What To Look For
1. Tap the green circle in the lower right corner of the lower screen to make the Meteos blocks fall faster (or use the "L" or "R" button").
2. Above the box with the green circle is a very narrow Camera panel that determines what's on the upper screen. Tap it to choose...
2a. If it reads "Auto", the upper screen will cycle through all available options including...
2b. If it reads "P 1", the upper screen will show you Player 1's board (not what Meteos block type, but just where the blocks are).
2c. If it reads "P 2", the upper screen will show you Player 2's board (not what Meteos block type, but just where the blocks are) (Vs only).
2d. If it reads "P 3", the upper screen will show you Player 3's board (not what Meteos block type, but just where the blocks are) (Vs only).
2e. If it reads "P 4", the upper screen will show you Player 4's board (not what Meteos block type, but just where the blocks are) (Vs only).
2f. If it reads "Planet", the upper screen will show you a view of space and your opponents' planets.
- In "Planet" view, you can watch any Meteos blocks you shoot off the screen blast away into space.
3. Above the Camera panel is the "Attack Meteos Gauge".
3a. The Attack Meteos Gauge shows how many Meteos blocks are about to be sent to your opponents.
3b. The Meteos blocks in the Attack Meteos Gauge will be sent after about a second of nothing being sent off the screen.
3c. If you want to send the Meteos blocks over immediately (to take advantage of a situation), tap the gauge.
4. Above the Attack Meteos Gauge is the Nova Count/Stock Count.
5. On the left side of the lower screen, you will see your opponents' boards as Target Windows.
5a. The boards will be live: updated to the current second.
5b. If you want to target a specific opponent for destruction in a 3 or 4 person game, tap on that opponent's Target Window.
6. Along the upper border of the upper screen, you will see your score (left) and the current play mode (right).
7. Below the word "Score" in the upper left corner of the upper screen, you will see the number of Meteos blocks you've launched.
8. In the upper right corner of the upper screen (below the current play mode) will be the time.
8a. If you are playing a Time game, it will display the amount of time that is reamining.
8b. If you are playing a Stock game, it will display the amount of time that has passed so far.
Overall Goals
1. Send Meteos blocks off the top of the screen.
2. Cause your opponents to fail by inundating them with Meteos blocks.
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