Hint #1 - Fire Starter: Don't Flip Out
If you're not consistant in switching between the left hand (the "L" button, the "L" icon, or the left arm) and the right hand (the "R" button, the "R" icon, or the right arm), you'll drop the stick and have to start again, having lost all progress made on that attempt. Be consistant first and then work on your speed.
Hint #2 - Bat Wipe Out: Rats... With Wings!
It's not hard to remember that the bats will keep moving. Pretty often, though, the bats will be in a sort-of cluster. The easiest way to be likely to land a hit is to aim for the center of the cluster.
Hint #3 - Diving: Has anyone got the time?
When down at the sea floor, it's easy to go from treasure chest to treasure chest and forget to check how mouch time is left on the countdown timer. Check it regularly. Also, while checking, don't forget to leave a few seconds so that you can return to the surface before time runs out and get credit for the gold coins you've found.
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