Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. When "Touch!" appears on the lower screen, the host taps anywhere on the lower screen.
1. The host taps "Multi-Survival" (the middle option).
3. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "Multi-Survival", the guests tap on it.
6. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
7. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps the icon next to "Start" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. The host will begin by selecting the first game to be played.
2. A game is selected by tapping on a game's icon on the top half of the lower screen to highlight it.
3. To select the game Fire Starter, tap on the icon on the far left to highlight it.
4. To select the game Spear Fishing, tap on the icon in the middle to highlight it.
5. To select the game Milking, tap on the icon on the far left to highlight it.
6. Next, the time limit (in seconds) is set.
7. To set the time limit at 30, 60, or 90 seconds, tap on the "30" or "60" or "90" in the bottom half of the lower screen to outline it in a box.
8. The preset default is a game limit of 30 seconds.
9. Once both of these options have been set, tap the icon next to "Start" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
10. Players will take turns selecting which time (and until what time limit) is to be played next.
Game Controls / How To Play
1a. To begin by rubbing the sticks together, alternate between pressing the "L" button and the "R" button.
NOTE: Alternatively, the "L" icon and the "R" icon in the top left and top right corners of the lower screen (respectively) can be tapped.
1b. When the gauge on the right edge of the lower screen reaches half-way full (out of the blue and into the red), blow into the Nintendo DS's microphone.
1c. As the gauge reaches full, you'll begin your next fire.
2a. To milk one of the goat's teats, touch it with the stylus and "pull it" toward the bucket.
2b. Alternate between the goat's two teats.
2c. When the goat's head (pictured in the top left corner of the lower screen) turns red, pet it by drawing left and right across the head with the stylus.
2d. When the goat's head is no longer red, return to the milking.
2e. When the gauge on the left side of the lower screen is full, the next bucket will begin.
3a. When fish swim across the screen, tap them with the stylus to spear them.
3b. After a spear is thrown, the screen will go dark and reload before the spear can be thrown again.
What To Look For
1a. On the upper screen, each of the player's names will be displayed (in the order they connected).
1b. On the upper screen, each player's current rank will be displayed to the left of their name.
1c. On the upper screen, the number of fires started by each player will be displayed beneath their name by the number of small flames.
1d. On the upper screen, the countdown timer is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
1e. On the lower screen, the guage is located along the right edge of the screen.
1f. On the lower screen, the "L" and "R" icons are displayed in the top left and top right corners, respectively.
2a. On the upper screen, each of the player's names will be displayed (in the order they connected).
2b. On the upper screen, each player's current rank will be displayed to the left of their name.
2c. On the upper screen, the number of buckets filled by each player will be displayed beneath their name by the number of small milk jugs.
2d. On the upper screen, the countdown timer is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
2e. On the lower screen, the goat's head is displayed in the top left corner.
2f. On the lower screen, the gauge is located along the left edge of the screen.
3a. On the upper screen, each of the player's names will be displayed (in the order they connected).
3b. On the upper screen, each player's current rank will be displayed to the left of their name.
3c. On the upper screen, the number of fish caught by each player will be displayed beneath their name by the number of small fish.
3d. On the upper screen, the countdown timer is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Overall Goals
1a. Start as many fires as possible.
1b. Don't flip the stick away.
2a. Fill the most buckets of milk.
2b. Don't upset the goat.
3a. Spear as many fish as possible.
3b. Outfish your opponent.
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