Walkthrough #1 - List Of Items & Their Effects
1. +30 Seconds: adds 30 seconds to your time limit for the current turn
2. -30 Seconds: subtracts 30 seconds from your time limit for the current turn
3. Attack Upgrade: increases the Phantoms' attack speed and range
4. Create Clone: creates a copy of your character as a distraction/alternate target
5. Defense Upgrade: Link does not die from the next Phantom hit this turn
6. Scatter Gems: the Force Gems will be randomly strewn around the battlefield
7. Speed Upgrade: temporarily increases your character's movement speed
8. Strength Upgrade: temporarily increases Link's movement speed while carrying a Force Gem
9. Wind Walls Activated: temporarily turns on the Wind Walls
Walkthrough #2 - List Of Battle Stages' In-Game Descriptions
1. Stage 1 - "Standard Medium Stage" : A medium-sized field. This is a simple but well-balanced arena.
2. Stage 2 - "Standard Large Stage" : A large stage. Force Gems are scattered all around the area.
3. Stage 3 - "Standard Small Stage" : A smaller field. Battles on theis playing field are fast and furious.
4. Stage 4 - "Standard Tiny Stage" : The smallest field. This cramped stage fills players with pure panic.
5. Stage 5 - "Inverted Stage" : A large field. Players have two bases in this expansive playing field.
6. Stage 6 - "Back-To-Back Stage" : Back-to-back bases field. The warp stairs are the key to victory here.
7. Stage 7 - "Stronghold Stage" : A fortresslike field. Scramble to grab the Force Gems on the top area!
8. Stage 8 - "U-shaped Stage" : The bases are far apart in the Phantom-favoring field.
Walkthrough #3 - "How To Play" Tutorial
1. "Welcome to Battle Mode!"
2. "I'm Ciela, and it's my job to tell you all about how to play this game!"
3. "In this game, players take turns playing as Link..."
4. "And there are three big, evil Phantoms! Players battle it out for the most points.
5. "First, touch to the left to move left."
6. "To stop this tutorial, press START anytime."
7. Touch Link on the lower screen with the stylus and then drag him to the left.
8. "Right! Just like that, you can move by touching the direction you want to go!
9. "OK, next I'm going to explain the rules!"
10. "Run up and tap one of the triangles. Any one is fine. Just tap it!"
11. "That triangle that you're holding is called a Force Gem."
12. "You can earn points by carrying these back to your base!"
13. "Because you are on the red team, your base is the one with the red floor."
14. "It appears on the map on the top screen as well, so take a look!"
15. "When you're holding a Force Gem, you'll be able to see where Phantoms are."
16. "C'mon, let's try taking a Force Gem to your base!"
17. Walk Link to the left to the red area on the floor.
18. "Tap the red floor to place the Force Gem."
19. "Once you place it, move on!"
20. "If you drop the Force Gem on the red floor, it'll turn red and you'll earn points."
21. "But if you drop it on the blue floor, your enemy will earn points. So don't do it!"
22. "The Force Gems come in small, medium, and large sizes."
23. "Big ones are heavier but worth more points. Run along to the next topic!"
24. Walk Link to the left onto the red area on the floor and then down along the left edge of the map into the yellow/purple/blue floor.
25. "The area that you are standing on is called a safe zone!"
26. "Only Link can enter the safe zones. Magic keeps the Phantoms out of them!"
27. "Phantoms can't see Link when he's in a safe zone, so you can trick them."
28. "And remember, if a red or blue Force Gem is placed on a safe zone, it will turn yellow."
29. "Next, I'll explain the top screen!"
30. Walk Link to the bottom of the screen and then to the right.
31. "Look at the top screen!"
32. "Do you see the hourglass and some number? That's your time limit."
33. "If the time runs out, you'll switch sides. Then it's your turn to be the Phantoms."
34. "You'll take turns like this. Once each player has had three turns, the game ends."
35. "Whoever has the most points, wins! Next, I'll explain the Phantoms."
36. "Draw lines on the map to set the path the Phantoms will walk."
37. "Touch any Phantom on the lower screen and draw lines to make one move."
38. "Try drawing a line to the right to make a Phantom move to the right!"
39. Touch a Phantom on the lower screen with the stylus and draw a line to the right and does not go through any walls.
41. "During a game, move the three evil Phantoms to catch Link."
42. "Touch all of the icons and draw lines to make each of them move. Try it!"
43. "Even after drawing a line, you can tap aq Phantom and redraw a line."
44. "Press the L and R buttons to change the camera view."
45. "Once you're done, move one of the Phantoms so that it will catch Link."
46. Walk one of the Phantoms to Link by drawing a line from them toward link near the top right corner of the map on the lower screen.
47. "OK, next I'm going to show you how to catch that wily Link!"
48. "Move the Phantom that is moving right farther that way, toward Link."
49. "If it gets close to Link, it will attack! If it hits Link, you'll switch sides."
50. Walk one of the Phantoms the rest of the way to Link by drawing a line from them toward link near the top right corner of the map on the lower screen.
51. "Last, I'm going to tell you all you need to know about helpful items."
52. "Shortly after a game is started, helpful items will appear on the screen."
53. "Items for red players are in red capsules."
54. "Items for blue players are in blue capsules."
55. "Tap capsules that are your color to take them."
56. "Tap your opponent's capsule to break it!"
57. "You never know what's in a capsule, but you need them to help you win!"
58. "Phew, that's all I have to say about how to play!"
59. "I told you a lot, but there are still some secrets. Discover them for yourself."
60. "Well then, have fun playing Battle Mode!"
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