Walkthrough #1 - Unlocking The Minigames: Level 1-1 (Gluglug Lagoon) With Preface
3. "There was once a floating kingdom called Pufftop."
4. "The prince of Pufftop was named Starfy."
5. "He wasn't exactly like other princes. His head was always in the clouds!"
6. "It was just another relaxing day in the Kingdom of Pufftop..."
7. "When Starfy was awakened from a nap by an alarming sound..."
8. "Someone crashed through the ceiling!"
9. "Starfy was shocked! He tried talking to him, but the unexpected visitor was too bewildered to answer."
10. "Who was this mysterious fellow? Starfy didn't know what to do..."
11. "There he is! Nyeh heh... You're comin' with us, kid."
12. "Three shadowy goons crashed through the wall! They started dragging the little fellow away..."
13. "They were trying to kidnap the liittle guy! When Starfy saw what they were up to..."
14. "Hey! What gives? Who's the Starfish?"
15. "Stay out of this! Or you'll regret it!"
17. "Starfy used a whirling, swirling attack to clobber the bad guys."
18. "Where'd the kid go? !"
19. "Great! This is all his fault!"
20. "We'll be back for you pal! THIS ISN'T OVER!"
21. "After the three goons ran away, Starfy heard someone calling his name..."
22. "It was Starfy's best friend, Moe."
23. "Starrrrfy! Hey! Starf!"
24. "What's all the racket?"
25. "Who was in the spaceman getup?!"
26. "He ran off thataway..."
28. "Wha... Where'd he go?"
29. "The kid jumped off here into the ocean!"
30. "Starfy was worried. Why were those bad guys chasing the young visitor? He made up his mind: He had to find him."
31. "Hah! Real funny Starf!"
32. "We can't go after him!"
39. "Starfy's big adventure began with quite a splash."
40. "Who was that strange fellow who fell from the sky?"
41. "Why was he being chased by a gang of shady goone?"
42. "There were so many questions, and it was up to Starfy to find the answers..."
43. Press and hold the "B" button while pressing a direction on the direction pad to Turbo Swim in that direction.
44. Turbo Swim to the right. Swimming theough the areas of dashed lines will increase Starfy's speed.
45. Land in front of the door and press the "X" button.
46. Mermaid: "Hiya! Are you Starfy? Like, THE legendary Starfy?! No WAY! I can't believe it!"
47. Mermaid: "I bet you're going on an awesome adventure, right? I can totally help you!"
48. Mermaid: "If you see any shells like the one I have, press "X" to tell me all about the stuff you did!"
49. Mermaid: "Then I'll remember it all and, like, save your progress!"
50. Mermaid: "Or you can press START and then select Save. That'll do the trick anytime!"
51. Mermaid: "Try to save, like, often, OK?"
52. Mermaid: "I'm down at the Touch Screen if you ever want any mermaid gossip! Good luck!"
53. "The Mermaid Gossip feature has been added to the Touch Screen!"
54. Mermaid Gossip: "Use your Turbo Swim ability to speed through the sea!"
55. Press the "B" button.
56. Turbo Swim to the right, down, and to the right again into the pearl.
57. "Starfy loves pearls! They replenish his energy, so collect as many as you can!"
58. "You can also use them to buy bonus items for Starfy!"
59. "Push the R Button to check out Moe's Case on the Map screen to do some shopping, Starfy Style!"
60. Turbo Swim up and to the right, collecting (touching) all of the small pearls.
61. Land in front of the door and press the "X" button.
62. Turbo swim to the right and land in front of the treasure chest.
63. "You got Moe's Diary!"
64. "Looks like Starfy and I got swept up into another adventure! Sheesh! I tried to stop him! Well, as long as he checks the Abilities screen from the pause screen and listens to my brilliant ideas, I think we'll be all right."
65. Press the "B" button.
66. Turbo Swim up, jump out of the water heading left, and jump into the water.
67. Collect all of the large pearls.
68. On the right, jump out of the water and jump back into the water to the right.
69. Turbo Swim down, to the right (collecting the small pearls) and then up, jumping onto land.
71. Moe: "Sorry, Starf! I couldn't catch 'em! Big Squiddy still has that kid who fell from the sky!"
72. Moe: "They're gone now. Guess we'll have to head back up to Pufftop...yep. Right? Starf?"
73. Moe: "Whoa! What's that shiny crystal thing? You found it after that kid crashed through the roof?"
74. Moe: "Ya think maybe it belongs to him, eh? Well, that's too bad. Let's head home."
75. Moe: "Starf? Whatya thinkin'? I don't like it when you get that look in your eye..."
76. Moe: "What?! Come on, Starf! Yuo wanna give this crystal thingie back to that kid?"
77. Moe: "All right, fine! But then we're headin' home! My clam chores aren't gonna do themselves!"
78. Mermaid Gossip: "Your best friend, Moe, went off that way! Come on; let's totally follow him!"
79. Walk to the right and press the "B" button (while holding right on the direction pad) to jump up onto the platform.
80. Press the "L" button to save the game.
Walkthrough #2 - Unlocking The Minigames (With Unlocking Methods)
NOTE: These are the simplified descriptions of how to unlock the Minigames. For more detailed descriptions, click on a Minigame's name.
3. Fishing Derby (find Notes Item #22 in Level 4-1 and play area MiniGame 1)
4. Sand Tracer (find Notes Item #31 in Level 6-1 and play area MiniGame 2)
5. Depth Chargers (find Notes Item #44 in Level 7-2 and play area MiniGame 3)
Walkthrough #3 - A List Of Levels Featuring Co-Op With Starly
1. Stage 1 = 1-4 ("Big Squiddy Brawl")
2. Stage 2 = 2-1 ("Between A Rock"), 2-4 ("Hot-Spring Snapper Battle"), 2-5 ("Secret 1")
3. Stage 3 = 3-1 ("Snow Starfy"), 3-4 ("King Ping"), 3-5 ("Secret 1")
4. Stage 4 = 4-1 ("In A Fog"), 4-4 ("The Terrible Trio"), 4-5 ("Secret 1")
5. Stage 5 = 5-1 ("Take A Dive"), 5-3 ("Get Ready To Ronk"), 5-5 ("Secret 1")
6. Stage 6 = 6-1 ("On Top Of The Clouds"), 6-4 ("Snips And Tricks"), 6-5 ("Secret 1")
7. Stage 7 = 7-1 ("The Ghostly Wreck"), 7-4 ("The Trio Returns"), 7-5 ("Secret 1")
8. Stage 8 = 8-1 ("Starfy In The Sky"), 8-5 ("Secret 1")
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