Hint #1 - Pop The Balloons! - MultiPop
See a few balloons overlapping each other? Tap right there a whole bunch of times for somq super-wuick popping!
Hint #2 - Pop The Balloons! - SPEEDy McFASTerson
Got some balloons moving faster than others? Go after the fast ones first, leaving only the slower, easier ones.
Hint #3 - Scratch Away! - Remove The Core
A lot of people's natural instinct is to scratch the left side through the right side (or the other way around). Instead, start by cutting a swath of scratch straight through the center to see if it's the correct circle, before spending time scratch the rest of it away.
Hint #4 - Open The Safe! - Close Counts
If you're within a tick mark or two, your input will be accepted. Remember: Close only counts in hoseshoes and hand grenades, but really close still counts in Open The Safe!
Hint #5 - Open The Safe! - Keep The Stylus At "Steady"
When you lock in a number and lift the stylus from the screen, keep the stylus hovering just above the screen. That way, as soon as the locked-in digit leaves the combination code near the top of the touch screen, the stylus is already in a ready position to start on the next one (saving some time).
Hint #6 - Surprise! - Patience Is NOT A Virtue Here
Don't wait for the next block(s) to apprear on the screen before tapping again. In face, just keep on tapping repeatedly until the game is over.
Hint #7 - Hit The Monsters! - Overwhelmed? Think Small!
In the second half of the game, additional holes will be added (they'll be further away and - therefore - smaller). If you're having trouble going after all the holes, focus on a bunch of them instead of all of them (left side, right side, front, back, etc,) for a smaller, but more focused, success.
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