Hint #1 - Kirby Card Swipe: Identifying Characteristics
Looking at a bunch of cards? Pick out some identifying characteristics to remember. Is one of the cards mostly green? Is only one card a type of food? You also don't have to remember all of the cards: if you know all but one and the target card (the card to match) doesn't match the ones you know, then it must be the one you don't know!
Hint #2 - Kirby On The Draw: Reload For Success
Don't wait until you're out of ammo to reload. Even if you've only shot once, reload during every break. It's a good habit to get into.
Hint #3 - Snack Tracks: Hocus Focus
Watching the upper screen to see what's coming isn't always a solid strategy. Things will get hectic and fast. Bombs will be flying at your track from everyone else's track, seemingly out of nowhere. There'll be bugs you didn't see coming. Instead, try focusing your sight on the top of the lower screen and tapping right above your Kirby. If you get good at it, you won't have to look where you tap: you'll pick up on the objects' speed automatically.
Hint #4 - 2-P Spring Breeze: Walkthroughs Are People, Too (Sorta)
Success can be greatly augmented by an effective Helper and a Helper's effectiveness is based on two factors: a good guest controlling the Helper and an ability that matches that guest's abilities. Check out DSSingleCard.com's Kirby Super Star Ultra Walkthroughs to find a step-by-step walkthrough of the entire 2-P Spring Breeze including mentions of each helper type's availability.
Hint #5 - 2-P Spring Breeze: "Weird Star" Yank-em-back
Did your Helper fall behind? Did your Helper fall into a pit? No worries! A star will come out of nowhere and which your Helper to the safety of being at your side!
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