Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. A message will appeak on the host's lower screen that says, "Touch To Start" - tap that message to begin.
1. The host taps on the bubble on the touch screen that reads "File 1" (or any other File #, if you prefer).
2. The host then taps on the bubble that reads "Sub-Games" (in the bottom center of the touch screen).
3. Next the host selects the first game that will be played (the game can be changed later)...
3a. To play "Speedy Teatime", the host taps on the bubble that reads "Speedy Teatime" (in the bottom left corner of the touch screen).
3b. To play "Smash Ride", the host taps on the bubble that reads "Speedy Teatime" (in the bottom left corner of the touch screen).
3c. To play "Treasure Shot", the host taps on the bubble that reads "Speedy Teatime" (in the bottom left corner of the touch screen).
3d. The fourth option (which begins as an unplayable "?") is "Boss Endurance" and is only a single-player game.
4. The host taps on the bubble that reads "Single-Card" (in the bottom right corner of the touch screen).
5. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
6. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
7. When the graphic bar appears saying "Kirby: Squeak Squad", the guests tap on it.
8. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
9. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected (on the upper screen), the host taps "Download" in the center of the touch screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. While the host is connected to the guest(s), Kirby: Squeak Squad will be controlled by the host.
2. If the connection between the Nintendo DS sytems is lost, Kirby: Squeak Squad offers single-player play demo play by hitting the "A" button.
To intentionally turn the game into a demo, turn off the host's Nintendo DS system after the download is complete.
3. If you are playing in multi-player mode: after connecting, the host taps which level (difficulty) will be played.
3a. Level 1 is located in the top left corner of the touch screen and is the easiest level.
3b. Level 2 is located in the top center of the touch screen.
3c. Level 3 is located in the top right corner of the touch screen and is the most difficult level.
4. If you are playing in multi-player mode: AFTER each game is played, the host taps the screen or presses the "A" button to continue.
5. If you are playing in multi-player mode: Three options will come up on the host's touch screen.
5a. If the host taps "Continue": the game will ask the host which difficulty level will be used for the next playing of the same game.
5b. If the host taps "Quit": the game will ask if it is OK to dissconnect. If the hosts disconnect, the guests can choose to play in demo mode (see above).
5c. If the host taps "Other Game": the game will ask the host which game they would like to play next.
6. If you are playing in single-player demo mode: when the connection is lost, choose (independently) which of the games they want to play.
7. If you are playing in single-player demo mode: AFTER each game is played, tap the screen or press the "A" button to continue.
8. If you are playing in single-player demo mode: Two options will come up on the touch screen.
8a. If you tap "Continue": the game will ask the host which difficulty level will be used for the next playing of the same game.
8b. If you tap "Other Game": the game will ask the host which game they would like to play next.
8c. If you wish to quit, simply turn off the power on your Nintendo DS.
Game Controls / How To Play
Instructions on how to play the game "Speedy Teatime"...
1. On the lower screen, there will be a silver lid.
2. When the dish underneath is revealed, there will be items on it.
3. There will be anywhere from 1 through 4 items on the plate.
4. Items on the plate include pieces of cake and bombs.
5. Tapping a bomb causes you to sit out the following round (you can't pick up cake).
6. Tapping a piece of cake adds levels to your status bar (located in the bottom middle of the lower screen).
7. Small pieces of cake raise the status bar by 1 and large pieces of cake raise the status bar by 1.
8. If you tap the lid before it's lifted, you're out for the round (you can't pick up cake).
9. Only the first player/computer character to touch an item can pick it up.
10. If the pieces of cake are not eaten quickly enough, the giant blue Squeak will eat it.
11. The first player/computer character to raise their status bar to 8 wins.
Instructions on how to play the game "Smash Ride"...
1. In Smash Ride, your Kirby rides around on his Smash Star knocking enemies off the platform.
2. The overhead view of the playing field will be on the upper screen.
3. Your Kirby is controlled on the lower screen.
4. To make your Kirby move, tap him on the lower screen with the stylus.
5. Without lifting the stylus from the screen, "push" Kirby in whichever direction you want him to move, THEN lift the stylus from the screen.
6. When you make your Kirby move, have him slam into the Squeaks (and other opponents, when playing a multi-player game).
7. If your Kirby knocks a Squeak (or an opponent) off of the playing field, you earn a point.
8. To power-boost your slams, hold the stylus to your Kirby on the lower screen for two seconds before shooting him off in a particular direction.
9. At the end of one minute, the player/computer character with the most points wins.
Instructions on how to play the game "Treasure Shot"...
1. Three treasure chests will be displayed on the upper screen.
2. Your Kirby will be on lower screen with three lightened arrows pointing at the shadows of the three treasure chests.
3. The treasure chests will begin shooting "treasures" into the air that float above the chests.
4. The treasures consist of food and bombs.
5. Whenever you see food appear above a treasure chest, roll a ball along an arrow toward the shadow of correct treasure chest.
6. Bigger food items, like cakes and cupcakes, need to be hit multiple times in order to be collected.
7. To roll a ball, quickly draw a line that begins on top of your Kirby and heads toward the treasure chest your're aiming at.
8. If you roll a ball toward a bomb, your Kirby will not be able to move for two or three seconds.
9. Different food items have different point values; the larger the food item, the greater its point value will be.
10. At the end of thirty seconds, the player/computer character with the most points wins.
What To Look For
All of this information is listed above in the "Game Controls / How To Play" section.
Overall Goals
1. Speedy Teatime: Collect the most food.
2. Speedy Teatime: Avoid the bombs.
3. Smash Ride: Knock more Squeaks and opponents off the platform than any other player/computer character.
4. Smash Ride: Don't get knocked off the platform or fall off.
5. Treasure Shot: Collect the most food.
6. Treasure Shot: Avoid the bombs.
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