Hint #1 - Chocolate Frogs: Don't Bite The White, Right?
In general, it's not a good idea to tap the White Chocolate frogs. In a single player game, you lose. In a multiplayer game, it'll lower your status bar. In multiplayer, though, you might see several Regular Chocolate and Dark Chocolate frogs hovering around one White Chocolate frog. Sometimes, taking the status bar loss from one White Chocolate frog might be worth it to get at several correct ones.
Hint #2 - Gobstones: Offensive Scoring
There are two methods of playing for games like Gobstones. One school of thought is actively working to score. Ignore the other player's pieces and focus on thei best scores possible. The other school of thought...
Hint #3 - Gobstones: Defensive Assaults
...invloves a heavy focus on knocking away your opponent's gobstones. This method says that it doesn't matter how much or how little you score as long as you outscore your opponent. Players who think this way prefer going second (the guest) because if they successfully knock their opponent's pieces off the board (or into the hole) and the opponent misses even one shot, their last shot is a freebie. People who play this way also don't need to worry as much about throwing too hard because, if they hit their opponent's pieces, much of the excess force will be transferred to the piece that was knocked away.
Hint #4 - History Of Magic: Word Origins
Several of the questions ask which spell you would use to achieve a certain result (i.e. make water, repair, etc.). For all of these questions, there will be a hint in the correct answer's word origin. For example, if "aqua" is part of a word, it's safe to assume it likely has something to do with water.
Hint #5 - History Of Magic: Timeless Reading
Want more time? Want to score higher? As soon as the question is displayed on the upper screen, pause the game (press the Start button) and read the question, then unpause the game (press the Start button again) to get at the answers and select one.
Hint #6 - Potions: Yet Another Drag
Every ingredient on the scrolling ingredient list will appear multiple times but, to save time, you can drag an ingredient (the same one from the same copy of the same image) as many times as you want before it scolls off of the screen.
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