Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. When the bouncing image of the stylus appears in the bottom right corner of the lower screen, the host taps the lower screen to begin.
1. The host taps "Extras" twice (it is usually located in the bottom right corner of the lower screen).
2. The host then taps on "Send Gunpey Demo" twice (it is usually located on the right side on the lower screen).
3. The guest will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "Gunpey DS", the guest taps on it.
6. The guest's DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
7. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps "Send" in the center of the screen.
8. A pop-up box on the host's upper screen indicates that the downloading is taking place.
9. When the download is complete, a single option "Gunpey" will appear on the guest's lower screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
There is only one option in the Single-Card Download demo - Gunpey (Two Screen Break Play).
Game Controls / How To Play
1. In Gunpey DS, you are trying to create strings that connect the left and right sides of the board.
2. There are four types of string shapes on Gunpey DS's panels...
2a. Diagonal Up - goes from the bottom left corner of the panel to the top right corner of the panel
2b. Diagonal Down - goes from the top left corner of the panel to the bottom right corner of the panel
2c. Angle Up - goes from the bottom left corner of the panel to the center of the panel to the bottom right corner of the panel
2d. Angle Down - goes from the top left corner of the panel to the center of the panel to the top right corner of the panel
3. Panels can be dragged up and down by touching them and then moving the stylus up or down without removing the stylus from the screen.
4. Every six seconds (assuming no strings were completed), all tiles will be pushed up one level and new panels will appear below.
5. Completing strings will remove those panels from the screen and drop the panels above down the same number of panels' space.
5a. There are six different types of strings you can use to remove panels...
5b. String Type #1 - Basic : a single path from left to right across the board
5c. String Type #2 - Divergent : connects to one side in one spot and the other side in two spots
5d. String Type #3 - Zig Zag : Basic with vertical movement (zig zagging left and right as it goes up and down)
5e. String Type #4 - Tailing : while a sting is disappearing, add panels to it to create additional Divergent paths
5f. String Type #5 - Dual Paths : complete a second string before the first string has left the screen
5g. String Type #6 - Chain : complete a string, then when the panels above fall, a new sting is formed automatically
6. In this play mode of Gunpey DS, the two boards (one per screen) rule is in effect.
7. Both boards will play through simultaneously and you can only effect whichever board is currently on the lower screen.
8. To switch which board is on which screen, you can either...,
8a. ...tap the circle with the two red arrows located along the right edge of the lower screen or...
8b. ...press the "L" button or the "R" button.
9. To push the board on the lower screen up a row sooner to add new panels, you can either...
9a. ...tap the circle with the large green arrow located in the bottom right corner of the lower screen or...
9b. ...press the "B" button.
What To Look For
1. The icon to add a new level of panels at the bottomt of the board on the lower screen (a green arrow) is in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
2. The icon to switch to the board on the upper screen (a circle with two red arrows) is on the lower screen above the push button.
3. Your score will be displayed in the top left corner of the lower screen.
4. The length of time you've spent playing the current game is displayed below your score.
5. When you remove a group of panels, the number of panels you removed will appear in the top right corner of the lower screen.
6. When you remove a group of panels, the points you scored for that bunch of panels is displayed below the number of panels removed.
Overall Goals
1. Form stings connecting the left side of the board with the right side of the board.
2. Make the longest strings possible.
3. Don't let any panels touch the top of the boards.
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