Walkthrough #1 - Unlocking Modes
Difficulty 1 - Breezin' - is already unlocked.
Difficulty 2 - Cruisin' - is already unlocked.
Difficulty 3 - Sweatin' - Complete Cruisin' in Single Player (playable in the main game only).
Difficulty 4 - Hard ROCK! - Complete Sweatin' in Single Player (playable in the main game only).
Walkthrough #2 - Unlocking SCD Songs
Song 1 - Walkie Talkie Man - is already unlocked.
Song 2 - Makes No Difference - Complete this song in Single Player.
Song 3 - Y.M.C.A. - Complete this song in Single Player.
Song 4 - Material Girl - Complete this song in Single Player.
Song 5 - La La - Complete this song in Single Player.
Completing a song in the Single Player Breezin' mode unlocks it in SCD Breezin' only.
Completing a song in the Single Player Cruisin' mode unlocks it in SCD Cruisin' only.
Walkthrough #3 - Unlocking Agents
Agent BA-1 ("Chieftain") is unlocked when you complete Cruisin' mode in Single Player.
Elite Beat Diva Missy is unlocked when you complete Sweatin' mode in Single Player.
Elite Beat Diva Starr is unlocked when you complete Sweatin' mode in Single Player.
Elite Beat Diva Foxx is unlocked when you complete Sweatin' mode in Single Player.
Mr. X is unlocked when you complete Sweatin' mode in Single Player.
Note: Mr. X is basically Commander Kahn with the head of a cat.
Commander Kahn is unlocked when you complete Hard ROCK! mode in Single Player.
Note: When Commander Khan is unlocked, he PERMANENTLY replaces Mr. X.
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