Hint #1 - Concentric Rings
If you see two rings converging on the same double, you're going to need to double-tap. The closer the two rings are to each other, the
quicker you'll have to double-tap.
Hint #2 - Drag Bar Rebounds
When you're dragging the ball across the bar, a rebount icon (a U-turn arrow) will appear at the end. The ball will bounce and go back the
way it came - keep dragging. Sometimes, the ball will bounce back and forth several times, so keep watching for that icon.
Hint #3 - Pausing The Game
Unfortunately, you can't pause the game in Single-Card Download play. In the main game, if you need to pause the game (either by pressing the
Start button or closing the system, it's best to do so during a braeak for topscreen story. You're never going to go more than a minute between
Hint #4 - Play All The Way
Even if you're having problems and know you're going to lose, keep playing all the way through. No matter how bad you do in Single-Card
Download play, the game will not kick you out. Playing all the way through will reveal to you not only the places you got stuck, but all the
other sticky places later on in the song, so you'll be prepared when you get there the next time through.
Hint #5 - Spinners
As you spin one of the spinners, the color bar (on both the left and the right of the spinner itself) will slowly raise. Once the color bar
reaches the top, keep spinning for bonus points. There is a spinner at the end of each song, but they're also sometimes in the middle of the song in
addition. Don't finish a spinner and just assume you're done!
Hint #6 - Shrinking Circles
In Single-Card Download play, the circles will randomly shrink in size during the song. The more accurate your targeting is during play, the
less the shrinking targets will slow you down and hinder your score.
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