Walkthrough #1 - Character & Bullet Attack Information
1. Hibito: The Hero Of Fire
1a. Glade (Weapon): A giant sword
1b. Description: A hot-blooded young man, with a burning passion for both Grapping and justice. He wields a well-balanced sword Glade.
1c. Bullet Attacks (Top Row / "A" button + Up): "p CYCLONE" (3 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "ATTACK UP" (2 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
1d. Bullet Attacks (Middle Row / "A" button): "f FIRE" (3 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "f BURN" (4 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
1e. Bullet Attacks (Bottom Row / "A" button + Down): "BOMB" (2 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "GAS JUMP" (3 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
2. Kyle: The Hero Of Water
2a. Glade (Weapon): A large, double-bladed spear
2b. Description: A young pirate full of confidence. He uses a long-range spear Glade.
2c. Bullet Attacks (Top Row / "A" button + Up): "AIR SLICER" (2 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "p NUT" (2 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
2d. Bullet Attacks (Middle Row / "A" button): "p WATER" (2 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "f WATER" (3 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
2e. Bullet Attacks (Bottom Row / "A" button + Down): "TUNA-TUNA" (3 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "ICE SPIKES" (4 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
3. Daichi: The Hero Of Earth
3a. Glade (Weapon): A huge mallet
3b. Description: A gentle young man who loves nature. He lugs a powerful hammer Glade.
3c. Bullet Attacks (Top Row / "A" button + Up): "BOOMERANG" (4 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "ROSE ROAD" (3 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
3d. Bullet Attacks (Middle Row / "A" button): "p ROCK" (2 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "f EARTH" (4 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
3e. Bullet Attacks (Bottom Row / "A" button + Down): "GRAVEL" (2 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "f WALL" (4 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
4. Guy: The Hero Of Lightning
4a. Glade (Weapon): A pair of arm blades
4b. Description: A young man fighting with his past. He is equipped with speedy knuckle Glades.
4c. Bullet Attacks (Top Row / "A" button + Up): "m SPARK" (4 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "m ELEC" (3 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
4d. Bullet Attacks (Middle Row / "A" button): "m BOLT" (3 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "BEAR TRAP" (3 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
4e. Bullet Attacks (Bottom Row / "A" button + Down): "BOOMWALKER" (3 BP) is the initial Main Bullet, "WHOOPS!" (2 BP) is the initial Stock Bullet
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