Walkthrough #1 - Make An Apple Pie (Send A Demo)
1. To begin, tap on the "Start" bar on the lower screen (beneath "Make an apple pie !").
2. The only available character, David, will be highlighted on the lower screen. Tap on "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
3. Step #1 : Peel the skin!
3a. From the game: "Neatly peel the apple from top to bottom."
3b. Movement: Draw lines with the stylus from the top of the apples to the bottom of the apple to peel the apple from the top down.
4a. From the game: "Trace the lines to cut the ingredients."
4b. Movement: Draw lines (over the dashed lines) in the following order: vertical, horizontal, descending diagonal, then ascending diagonal.
5. Step #3 : Let it stew!
5a. From the game: "While keeping an eye on the temperature, stir until the gauge appears in the green."
5b. Movement: Move the temperature control left and right as necessary until the gauge is in the dark green.
6. Step #4 : Spread the pie crust!
6a. From the game: "Spread out the pie crust evenly."
6b. Movement: As circles appear, tap the spot five times; circles will begin appearing at the top and continue clockwise.
7. Step #5 : Cut holes using a fork!
7a. From the game: "Touch the pastry to poke holes with the fork."
7b. Movement: Tap the crust repeatedly to add holes until the meter on the bottom edge of the upper screen fills up.
8. Step #6 : Spread it on thick!
8a. From the game: "Spread the apple jam nice and thick all over the crust. Don't miss any spots!"
8b. Movement: Fill in the crust by "drawing" all over the pie crust with the stylus (knife).
9. Step #7 : Cut holes in the crust!
9a. From the game: "While tracing the lines, cut holes in the ingredients."
9b. Movement: Draw lines (over the dashed lines) pointing toward the center of the crust starting at the top and continuing clockwise.
10. Step #8 : Press down with a fork!
10a. From the game: "Press down the pie crust using a fork."
10b. Movement: Press down around the edge of the pie using a fork, starting at the top and continuing clockwise..
11. Step #9 : Separate the egg!
11a. From the game: "Separate the egg white from the yolk by pouring the contents from one shell to the other."
11b. Movement: Drag the egg shell with the contents left and right and then pour so that the yolk stays in the shell and most of the whites are dumped out.
12. Step #10 : Spread it on thick!
12a. From the game: "Spread the egg nice and thick all over the food. Don't miss any spots!"
12b. Movement: Cover the crust by "drawing" all over the pie crust with the stylus (brush).
13. Step #11 : Bake in the oven!
13a. From the game: "Set the heat as you like, then press the button when cooked to perfection."
13b. Movement: Move the temperature control to the right (the further to the right, the quicker the temperature rises).
13c. Movement: When the temperature reading is inside the box, tap "Stop" on the lower screen.
14. To receive your grade, tap the picture of the apple pie beneath "EAT!" on the lower screen.
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