Being a game with so many Vs Play Mini Games activities, each activity has been broken down individually.
Each activity's breakdown includes both instructions and hints.
For each activity's hints (and instructions), check out the lists below (sorted by name or location).
Hints for "Send A Demo: Apple Pie" are below the demo game lists.
List Of Vs Play Mini Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted Alphabetically
List Of Vs Play Mini Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted By In-Game Location
Send A Demo: Apple Pie Hint #1 - Skip Stir
Want to make things a little easier on yourself? Don't bother to stir in the "Let it stew!" step (Step 3). Just get the temperature dial to the right to begin and then monitor and change it constantly, keeping an eye on the temperature. You can actually pass this step without even stirring once!
Send A Demo: Apple Pie Hint #2 - Random Holes
You don't need to bother with making the fork holes (Step 5 - "Cut holes with a fork!") evenly distributed. Spreading them out may make things go quicker, but it is unnecessary. The holes will magically become even for the beginning of the next step! Plus, after a certain number of fork holes, the oldest fork holes will vanish from sight.
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