Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. Before the game begins, the host must select a language from English, French, or Spanish.
4. English (which is preselected) will be on the screen. To select English, tap the pawn with the half-U.S./half-British flag in the circle at the pawn's bottom right.
5. To select a different language, tap the left or right arrows (or press left and right on ther direction pad) and tap the pawn with the appropriate flag(s).
6. When "Touch the Touch Screen to start" appears on the lower screen, the host taps anywhere on the lower screen.
7. If this is the first time this copy of the game has been played, a profile must be created.
7a. One of the "New player" lines will already be highlighted; the host taps the "Create" button in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
7b. The host then enters the name of their profile by tapping on the on-screen keyboard and then tapping the "OK" button (where the Enter button would be).
7c. The host then chooses one of 24 pictures to represent their profile by tapping the on-screen left and right arrows and then tapping on the chosen image.
7d. The game will then send the host into the game's Introduction.
8. If a profile already exists, tap the profile's name twice (once to highlight it and again to activate it.
Downloading / Download Selection
1. The host taps on the orange square at the bottom of the lower screen (the third square from the right a.k.a. the sixth quare out of eight).
2. "Single-Card Play" should appear at the top of the lower screen and the picture should be of two pawns (green and orange) plus a Nintendo DS communications icon.
3. The host taps the picture of the two pawns.
4. There are three options for the host to select from: Fork My Fruit (Demo), Chain Reaction (Demo), and Chess (Vs Play).
5. The host can cycle through the options by tapping the left and right arrows on the lower screen or by pressing left and right on the direction pad.
6. After selecting the download they want to send, the host taps the picture in the center of the lower screen.
7. The guest will power on their Nintendo DS system.
8. The guest taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
9. When the graphic bar appears saying "Chessmaster", the guest taps on it.
10. The guest's DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes" and the download will begin automatically.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
Fork My Fruit (Downloadable Demo)
1. Before the game begins, select a language from English, French, or Spanish.
2. English (which is preselected) will be on the screen. To select English, tap the pawn with the half-U.S./half-British flag in the circle at the pawn's bottom right.
3. To select a different language, tap the left or right arrows (or press left and right on ther direction pad) and tap the pawn with the appropriate flag(s).
4. When "Touch the Touch Screen to start" appears on the lower screen, tap anywhere on the lower screen.
Chain Reaction (Downloadable Demo)
1. Before the game begins, select a language from English, French, or Spanish.
2. English (which is preselected) will be on the screen. To select English, tap the pawn with the half-U.S./half-British flag in the circle at the pawn's bottom right.
3. To select a different language, tap the left or right arrows (or press left and right on ther direction pad) and tap the pawn with the appropriate flag(s).
4. When "Touch the Touch Screen to start" appears on the lower screen, tap anywhere on the lower screen.
1. Before the game begins, select a language from English, French, or Spanish.
2. English (which is preselected) will be on the screen. To select English, tap the pawn with the half-U.S./half-British flag in the circle at the pawn's bottom right.
3. To select a different language, tap the left or right arrows (or press left and right on ther direction pad) and tap the pawn with the appropriate flag(s).
4. When "Touch the Touch Screen to start" appears on the lower screen, tap anywhere on the lower screen.
5. The guest will then be automatically sent to a screen to connect with a host.
6. After the download, the host will automatically be sent into the Multiplayer menu.
NOTE: The Multiplayer menu is separately accessable from the main menu; it is the fourth option from the left (the gray square).
NOTE: If the host is accessing the Multiplayer menu from the main menu, they'll first have to tap the "Host Game" icon (which will be preloaded).
7. The host will then select which chess game will be played.
7a. In order, the choices are: Classic Chess, Progessive Chess, Dark Chess, Extinction Chess, Losing Chess, and Los Alamos Chess.
7b. To switch between the options, the host taps the squares at the bottom of the lower screen or taps the left and right arrows on the lower screen.
7c. When the desired option is highlighted, the host taps the corresponding icon in the center of the lower screen.
8. The host then selects a chess piece color.
8a. In order, the choices are: White (White moves first), Black (Black moves second), and Random Color.
8b. To switch between the options, the host taps the squares at the bottom of the lower screen or taps the left and right arrows on the lower screen.
8c. When the desired option is highlighted, the host taps the corresponding icon in the center of the lower screen.
9. Next, the host selects Timer options.
7a. In order, the choices are: No Times, Minutes Per Game, and Seconds Per Move.
7b. To switch between the options, the host taps the squares at the bottom of the lower screen or taps the left and right arrows on the lower screen.
7c. When the desired option is highlighted, the host taps the corresponding icon in the center of the lower screen.
7d. If a type of time limit was selected: the number can be set anywhere from 010 to 999 by tapping the up and down arrows above and below each column.
7e. If a type of time limit was selected: once selected, the host taps the on-screen "Start" button at the bottom center of the lower screen.
10. The guest will see the host's name (which will automatically be highlighted) and they then tap "Join" at the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
11. The host will then see "Player1" highlighted on their lower screen and they then tap "Start Game" at the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
Game Controls / How To Play
Fork My Fruit (Downloadable Demo)
1. Pieces of fruit will randomly appear in spaces on the chess board.
2. Chess pieces (from one to five of them) will appear on the board, near the bottom.
3. Using the moves the chess pieces can regularly make, move the chess pieces so that they can capture (land on) two or more of the same type of fruit on the next move.
4. Chess pieces can be moved by tapping on them and then on their destination or by tapping on them, dragging them to their destination, and then lifting the stylus.
5. If there are two or more of the same "capturable" piece(s) of fruit, the chess piece(s) will shoot out forks and the fruit will be collected and scored.
6. When the score bar (at the bottom of the upper screen) is full, the level has been passed and the next level (up to level 20) will begin.
7. The number on the right side of the lower screen (beneath the feet) indicated the number of moves remaining.
8. If the beaker beneath the number of remaining movesd fills, the number of remaining moves will go up by one.
Chain Reaction (Downloadable Demo)
1. Chess pieces (colored by piece type) will appead randomly on the chess board.
2. Using the moves the chess pieces can regulaly make, move the chess pieces so that they form a chain (three or more that can be connected by once movement).
3. Chess pieces can be moved by tapping on them and then on their destination or by tapping on them, dragging them to their destination, and then lifting the stylus.
4. Connected pieces are lined up so that they could capture each other.
5. Once a chain is formed, the three (or more) chess pieces are removed from the board.
6. When the score bar (at the bottom of the upper screen) is full, the level has been passed and the next level (up to level 20) will begin.
7. If a move is made that does not create a chain, additional pieces will randomly appear around the board.
1. Chess pieces are moved by tapping on them and then on their destination, or by touching them with the stylus and dragging them to their destination.
2. After moving a piece, a confirmation will show up on screen at the destination square.
3. To confirm the move, tap the green check mark.
4. To undo the move, tap the red "X" mark.
5. If a pawn reaches the far side of the table, it can be turned into a rook, bishop, knight, or queen (controller's choice).
6. If the king and a rook haven't moved at all yet, the player can Castle: move the king two spaces toward the rook and have the rook jump to the far side of the king.
7. If an opponent's pawn is moved two spaces on its first turn and could have been captured by another pawn if had only moved one space, the other pawn has the option on that turn only to move diagonally to behind the opponent's pawn to capture it (En Passant).
8. If a player could capture their opponent's king in the next turn, that king is in check.
9. If a king is in check and there's no way out of it, it is checkmate and the game is over.
10. For Progressive Chess: each turn, players get more moves and can only check on the last move of a turn or get out of check on the first move of a turn.
11. For Dark Chess: opponent's pieces can only be seen if capturable or in a space that can be moved into, no check or checkmate
12. For Extinction Chess: no check or checkmate
13. For Losing Chess: no check or checkmate, opponent's piece MUST be captured if possible, the king is a regular piece, no castling, pawns can become kings
14. For Los Alamos Chess: 6x6 board, no bishops, six pawns, no En Passant or pawn double-move or castling, pawns can't become bishops at the far border
What To Look For
Fork My Fruit (Downloadable Demo)
1. On the upper screen, the current level is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, the progress on the current level is displayed as a bar that goes along the bottom edge of the screen.
3. On the upper screen, the number of points scored across all levels so far is displayed to the top right of the progress bar.
4. On the lower screen, the chessboard fills the left 2/3 of the screen.
5. On the lower screen, the number of moves remaining is displayed on the right side of the screen (beneath the feet).
6. On the lower screen, the progress made toward adding a move is displayed as a filling beaker beneath the number of remaining moves.
7. On the lower screen, the menu can be accessed by tapping on the book in the bottom right corner of the screen (or by pressing the Start button).
Chain Reaction (Downloadable Demo)
1. On the upper screen, the current level is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, the progress on the current level is displayed as a bar that goes along the bottom edge of the screen.
3. On the upper screen, the number of points scored across all levels so far is displayed to the top right of the progress bar.
4. On the lower screen, the chessboard fills the left 2/3 of the screen.
5. On the lower screen, the menu can be accessed by tapping on the book in the bottom right corner of the screen (or by pressing the Start button).
1. On the upper screen, each player's captured pieces are displayed numberically in the center of the screen.
2. On the lower screen, the chess board is displayed on the left two-thirds (2/3) of the screen.
3. On the lower screen, the total amount of time each player's taken in the current game is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
4. On the lower screen, the help description for the current game can be accessed by tapping on the question mark button in the middle right side of the screen.
5. On the lower screen, the main menu can be accessed by tapping on the book in the bottom right corner of the screen (or by pressing the Start button).
6. On the lower screen, the number of moves remaining in the current turn is displayed on the right edge of the screen (Progressive Chess only).
Overall Goals
Fork My Fruit (Downloadable Demo)
1. Complete each level before the number of remaining moves run out.
2. Achieve as high of a score as possible.
Chain Reaction (Downloadable Demo)
1. Complete each level without filling the board with extra pieces (generated from non-chain-creating moves).
2. Achieve as high of a score as possible.
1. For Classic Chess: Capture your opponent's King.
2. For Progressive Chess: Capture your opponent's King.
3. For Dark Chess: Capture your opponent's King.
4. For Extinction Chess: Capture all copies your opponent has of any one chess piece type.
5. For Losing Chess: Lose all of your chess pieces.
6. For Los Alamos Chess: Capture your opponent's King
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