Hint #1 - To Compute Or Not To Compute
While the computers are super helpful, then don't warn you of where your opponent(s) are unless you have both, and it only takes one opponent activating any one computer for you to lose part (or all) of your computer bonuses, and no one character can guard both computers (they're nowhere near each other). My best hint on this matter: activating them is great, but don't rely on them.
Hint #2 - Watch That Zoom!
The one (and only) programming "issue" I found while playing is that the zoom (activated by double-tapping on the screen for the purpose of sniping) is a little trigger happy itself. Know what each of your guns look like zoomed out and zoomed in. It's not a terrible glitch - it certainly won't ruin the game for you - but you will zoom in when you don't want to, and knowing what everything looks like zoomed in and zoomed out will help you identify the situation quicker so you can remedy it.
Hint #3 - Ammo Is Limited
While yes, this is a video game, no, there is not unlimited ammo. This is not one of those games. So, watch your ammo levels. Grenades go quickly, and so can bullets. Don't let yourself get caught unprepared.
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