Setup & Timing
Brain Assist's basic design is very "new user friendly" is its setup. Multiplayer is right on the main menu. Opening credits aren't overly long and download times are average.
Menus & Navigation
All of Brain Assist's menus are simple to navigate. Menu options are large enough to tap efficiently and the buffer spaces are sufficient.
Ease Of Use / Play Control
As with any game that features a wide variety of mini games/activities, there are a wide variety of control schemes and a wide variety of successes. Some of the games are very simple to finish in the amount of time given. Some of the games are near-impossible to finish in the alotted time. None of the games are terrible. None of the games are flawed. Some of the games aren't as exciting as others, but a wide variety of games will always feature an equally-wide variety of interest levels.
Category Score: 12.5 / 15
Brain Assist features ten (10) separate activities that are accessible via Single-Card Download play. The mini games - all of which are also part of the main game - can be played as Vs (Multiplayer) or Co-op (Compatibility) activities. There are no difficulty settings or time limits settings, but neither would really make sense for these typoes of activities. Graphics in the game are simple, but appropriate. Audio sound effects can be key to some of the games.
Overall Fun
There are a LOT of "brain games" on the market. Beginning with Nintendo's Brain Age series and its success, everybody (AND their brother!) is trying to duplicate the sales numbers. Some of the titles are good. Some of the titles suprise me in how they were able to get out of the "Concept Phase" of basic planning. Brain Assist is one of the better ones. While it doesn't have as much of a variety as the Brain Age series, Brain Assist has a more realist, "authentic" feel that many of the market's other "brain games" are lacking. In terms of Single-Card Download, it also has a lot more content available. Overall, it's a good title to end a complete month of educationally-oriented titles with. Alone, each of these activities is not strong enough to support a game, but as a group, they can hold their own and provide some replayability. Sega did an excellent job with the game and I'm very much hoping to see a sequel.
Include additional games.
Make the games accessable one activity at a time.
Allow players to download the games as demos.
Category Score: 12.5 / 15
Overall Single-Card Download Rating: 86 / 100 (a.k.a. 43/50)
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