Walkthrough #1 - Introduction To "Quick Brain Age Check"
1. Let me explain the Brain Age Check.
2. In this version of Rock, Paper, Scissors, you say the answer out loud.
3. Read the on-screen instructions carefully,
4. then say "rock," "paper," or "scissors" as quickly as you can.
5. I may askl you to lose as well as win, so stay alert.
6. And don't get too close to the DS, or the Mic will pick up your breath only.
8. (At this point, the game is played. After the game...)
9. The best brain age you can get on this test is twenty years old (Your brain is in its "##s").
10. How does this compare to your actual age?
11. If your brain is advancing in age, you'd better be careful!
13. There are also several different training programs for you to try.
14. I recommend Daily Training for those trying to improve their brain age.
Walkthrough #2 - Intrduction To "Quick Training"
1. And which hand do you write with?
2. (On the touch screen, tap "L" for left or tap "R" for right.)
3. Let's do some training together!
4. Look at the rotating letters, then arrange them to form a word.
5. Once you think you know the word, write it on the ???-hand screen.
NOTE: The game will say the right-hand screen if you tapped "R" or the left-hand screen if you tapped "L" earlier.
7. (At this point, the game is played. After the game...)
9. There are also several different training programs for you to try.
10. I recommend Daily Training for those trying to improve their brain age.
Walkthrough #3 - Introduction To "Quick Sudoku"
1. To solve a sudoku puzzle, simply fill in the squares with a number from 1 to 9.
2. But you need to follow three rules when writing in numbers!
3. First, every column must contain only one of each number from 1 to 9.
4. Second, every row must contain only one of each number from 1 to 9.
5. Third, every 3 x 3 box must contain only one of eachy number from 1 to 9.
6. If you fulfill all three conditions and fill in all spaces, then you have succeeded!
7. Next, let me tell you how to operate the controls.
8. Touch the square you want to fill in to enlarge it.
9. To place an answer, write a large number in the enlarged square.
10. To make note of a possible answer, write in a small number.
11. Each square can hold up to nine of these options.
12. Draw the number 0 in the square to erase your answer
13. Touch Zoom Out to return to the main screen.
14. If you want to quit a puzzle before you finish, just tap Quit.
15. (At this point, the game is played. After the game...)
17. There are also several different training programs for you to try.
18. I recommend Daily Training for those trying to improve their brain age.
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