Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
1. The host taps "Download" (the bottom option on the touch screen).
2. There are two Single-Card Download play options: Vs. Training and Send Demo.
3. To play the Vs. Training...
3a. The host taps "Send Demo" (the bottom option).
3b. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
3c. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
3d. When the graphic bar appears saying "Brain Age 2", the guests tap on it.
3e. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
3f. The host's Nintendo DS system will display the number of players that are currently connected.
3g. When the host's DS says that the correct number of guests are connected, the host taps "Next" in the top right corner of the touch screen twice.
4. To send a downloadable demo of the game...
4a. The host taps "Send Demo" (the bottom option).
4b. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4c. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
4d. When the graphic bar appears saying "Brain Age 2", the guests tap on it.
4e. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. All players will be asked which hand they write with. Players tap on "L" for the left hand and "R" for the right hand.
NOTE: Left-handed players will see the touch screen flip and will then be asked to flip their DS around and tap on "Changes Accepted" on the touch screen.
2. The game will recommend talking during the experience. Players tap "Next" in the top right corner or the touch schreen two or three times.
3. The host then selects which game is played: VS Picture Drawing, VS Word Scramble, VS Number Memory, or VS Change Maker.
4. To select a game, the host taps on its name.
NOTE: VS Picture Drawing requires three or more players and will be grayed out and not selectable if there are only two players.
Option 2 - Demo: "Send Demo"
1. Tap on "Quick Play" (the top - and only selectable - option).
2. There are three parts to the demo: Quick Brain Age Check, Quick Training, and Quick Sudoku.
3a. Tap on "Quick Brain Age Check" (the top option).
3c. To proceed from one screen to the next, tap "More" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
3d. When "Press here to start" appears on the touch screen, tap it to begin the Quick Brain Age Check.
4a. Tap on "Quick Training" (the middle option).
4b. The game will ask which hand you use to right with.
4c. If you are right-handed, tap on "Right" (on the right).
4d. If you are left-handed, tap on "Left" (on the left) and rotate the Nintendo DS system so that the touch screen is on the left.
NOTE: After you've flipped the Nintendo DS system around, the system will ask you to tap on "Changes Accepted" (which should now be right-side up).
4f. To proceed from one screen to the next, tap "More" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
4g. When "Press here to start" appears on the touch screen, tap it to begin the Quick Training.
5a. Tap on "Quick Sudoku" (the bottom option).
5b. The game will ask which hand you use to right with.
5c. If you are right-handed, tap on "Right" (on the right).
5d. If you are left-handed, tap on "Left" (on the left) and rotate the Nintendo DS system so that the touch screen is on the left.
NOTE: After you've flipped the Nintendo DS system around, the system will ask you to tap on "Changes Accepted" (which should now be right-side up).
5f. To proceed from one screen to the next, tap "More" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
5g. When "Press here to start" appears on the touch screen, tap it screen to begin the Quick Brain Age Check.
Game Controls / How To Play
1a. On the top of the non-touch screen, a subject to draw will be described.
1b. On the touch screen, each player draws what they thing the other players will vote for.
1c. To erase what has been drawn so far, players tap "Erase" at the bottom center of their touch screen.
1d. To submit what has been drawn so far, players tap "OK" in the top right corner of their touch screen.
2a. Numbers will appear on the screen and they will rotate around the screen.
2b. In your head (or on paper) figure out the order the letters must be arranged into in order to spell out a word.
2c. Write the letters on the touch screen in the correct order.
2d. If a drawn letter was not understood or the wrong letter was taken by the game, tap the "Erase" button to redraw the letter.
3a. A grid of twenty-five numbers (in a 5x5 grid) will appear on the non-touch screen. (The numbers will be 1 through 25 without repeats.)
3b. A grid of twenty-five empty boxes (in a 5x5 grid) will appear on the touch screen.
3c. A countdown timer at the top of the non-touch screen will count down, giving players 2 minutes to memorize the numbers' locations.
3d. At the end of the two minutes, the grid of number will disappear and the grid of empty boxes will remain.
3e. Players tap on a square in the grid of empty boxes to zoom in on it.
3f. Players then draw the correct number on the touch screen.
4a. In the middle of the non-touch screen, an amount of money owed by a customer is displayed in numeric digits.
4b. Below the amount owed is the money used by the customer to pay, displayed graphically as the bills used.
4c. Players must determine the amount due back to the customer as change.
4d. Players must then detereine the most efficient way to give the customer their change.
4e. To provide the change to the customer, players drag the correct bills and coins into the blank area on the touch screen and either tap "OK" or wait for time to run out.
Option 2 - Demo: "Send Demo"
1a. A picture will appear (on one of the screens) of a hand as a fist (rock), with two fingers out (scissors), or with five fingers out (paper).
1b. Above each picture, there will be instructions on whether you should say the option that wins or loses against the game's choice.
1c. From about one foot away from the Nintendo DS, in your normal speaking voice, say the option that WINS or LOSES as per the instructions.
1d. When the game shows Rock, "Paper" will win and "Scissors" will lose.
1e. When the game shows Paper, "Scissors" will win and "Rock" will lose.
1f. When the game shows Scissors, "Rock" will win and "Paper" will lose.
2. Quick Training ("Word Scramble")
2a. Numbers will appear on the screen and they will rotate around the screen.
2b. In your head (or on paper) figure out the order the letters must be arranged into in order to spell out a word.
2c. Write the letters on the touch screen in the correct order.
2d. If a word appears to be too difficult, tap "Pass" to skip it and go on to the next word.
2e. If a drawn letter was not understood or the wrong letter was taken by the game, tap the "Erase" button to redraw the letter.
3a. Sudoku has three rules: each digit (1-9) can appear in each row only once, each column only once, and each 3x3 square only once.
3b. To zoom in on a square, tap on it.
3c. To zoom out, tap "Zoom Out" in the bottom left corner of the touch screen.
3d. To enter a number, write the large number in the square on the touch screen.
3e. To enter a possible number as a note to yourself, write a small number in the square (anywhere in the square).
3f. To erase a number (large or small), write a zero on top of what you're erasing (or tap "Erase" in the bottom right corner of the touch screen).
3g. To undo a change, tap "Undo" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
3h. To quit, zoom out and then tap "Quit" in the top left corner of the touch screen.
3i. To move to a different square, tap on the green arrows on the touch screen or zoom out and and zoom back in to another square.
3j. If you make five (5) mistakes, you fail and must begin from the beginning.
What To Look For
1. VS Picture Drawing: On the non-touch screen, the subject to draw is at the top of the screen.
2. VS Picture Drawing: On the non-touch screen, the currently in-progress drawings of the other players are displayed.
3. VS Picture Drawing: On the touch screen, the area in which the submission is drawn makes up the middle 80% of the screen.
4. VS Picture Drawing: On the touch screen, the "Erase" button is in the bottom center of the screen.
5. VS Picture Drawing: On the touch screen, the "OK" button is in the top right corner of the screen.
6. VS Word Scramble: On the touch screen, "Erase" is in the bottom center.
7. VS Word Scramble: On the non-touch screen, the rotating letters are displayed.
8. VS Number Memory: On the touch screen, twenty-five (25) empty boxes will be displayed in a 5x5 grid.
9. VS Number Memory: On the non-touch screen, twenty-five (25) numbers will be displayed in a 5x5 grid.
10. VS Number Memory: On the non-touch screen, the countdown clock will be displayed in the top center of the screen.
11. VS Change Maker: On the touch screen, the "Redo" button is in the top left corner of the screen.
12. VS Change Maker: On the touch screen, the "OK" button is in the top right corner of the screen.
13. VS Change Maker: On the touch screen, money ($5, $1, quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies) used to answer the change requests are near the top of the screen.
14. VS Change Maker: On the non-touch screen, the box to drag the change into is the bottom half of the screen.
15. VS Change Maker: On the non-touch screen, the amount that is owed by the customer is displayed in the middle of the screen.
16. VS Change Maker: On the non-touch screen, the money being given to the cashier is displayed in the bottom half of the screen.
Option 2 - Demo: "Send Demo"
1. Quick Brain Age Check: On the touch screen, "Quit" is in the top left corner.
2. Quick Training: On the touch screen, "Pass" is in the top right corner.
3. Quick Training: On the touch screen, "Erase" is in the bottom center.
4. Quick Training: On the non-touch screen, the rotating letters are displayed.
5. Quick Sudoku: On the touch screen, "Quit" is in the top left corner (only selectable when zoomed out).
6. Quick Sudoku: On the touch screen, "Undo" is in the top right corner.
7. Quick Sudoku: On the touch screen, "Zoom Out" is in the bottom left corner.
8. Quick Sudoku: On the touch screen, "Erase" is in the bottom right corner.
9. Quick Sudoku: On the non-touch screen, the number of mistakes made so far is displayed in the bottom center of the screen.
10. Quick Sudoku: On the non-touch screen, the entire game grid is displayed while zoomed in.
Overall Goals
1. VS Picture Drawing: Draw the picture that receives the most votes.
2. VS Word Scramble: Decipher the scrambled word from the rotating letters.
3. VS Word Scramble: Write the letters in the correct order.
4. VS Word Scramble: Draw the letters clearly.
5. VS Number Memory: Remember as many numbers' locations as possible.
6. VS Number Memory: Correctly place the numbers in their boxes.
7. VS Number Memory: Draw the numbers clearly.
8. VS Change Maker: Correctly determine the amount of change the customer is owed.
9. VS Change Maker: Determine the most efficient was to provide the customer with their change.
10. VS Change Maker: Drag the correct number of the correct bills and coins into the empty box.
Option 2 - Demo: "Send Demo"
1. Quick Brain Age Check: Provide the correct responses in the quickest time possible.
2. Quick Training: Decipher the scrambled word from the rotating letters.
3. Quick Training: Write the letters in the correct order.
4. Quick Training: Draw the letters clearly.
5. Quick Sudoku: Complete the puzzle in the shortest time possible.
6. Quick Sudoku: Don't commit errors.
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