Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
1. The host will tap their lower screen when the animation ends to access the main menu (which has two choices).
2. The host will then tap on the "Battle" option on the right side on the lower screen.
3. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
4. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
5. When the graphic bar appears saying "Bomberman", the guests tap on it.
6. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
7. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps "Start" in the center of the screen.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. After the game has finished downloading, the character select screen will be displayed.
1a. On the upper screen, the name of each player will be displayed along with their character.
1b. If there are fewer than eight players, some of the slots will be blank.
1c. Default colors for each player: white for 1, black for 2, red for 3, blue for 4, green for 5, yellow for 6, purple for 7, and aqua for 8.
1d. If there are fewer than eight players, tap on an empty color to add a computer player of that color.
1e. Continuing to tap on the same color will change the computer character's difficulty or will remove the computer character.
1f. Computer character difficulty settings cycle through the following order: Normal, Hard, Easy, Off (removed)
2. Teams can then be selected (if you want the game to play with everyone on their own team, skip this section).
2a. To activate the Teams option, the host taps on "Team" in the bottom right-hand corner of the lower screen.
2b. The default setting is for each player to be on their own team.
2c. Teams can have anywhere from one through four players/characters in each one.
2d. To change a character's team, drag that character's face and drop it on the team color you want them on.
2e. To drag a character's face, tap it, drag it without lifting the stylus to the destination, then lift it from the screen.
2f. The host can change the team affiliation of their own character and each of the computer characters.
2g. Each guest can change the affiliation of their own character.
2h. Teams do not need to be evenly matched.
2i. There must be at least two different teams.
3. The next step is to select the board. In order from left to right, boards you can choose from include...
Classic - Bomb, speed, fire, and kick only.
Voice Detonate - Use your voice to detonate your bombs (bombs will not detonate automatically).
Voice Bomb - Use your voice to place a bomb (pressing the "A" button will not place bombs).
Voice Shield - Use your voice to activate your shield (you have access to a shielf from the beginning).
Shield - You have an automatic shield from the beginning of the game.
Skull - There are hordes of skulls.
Mystery Items - All items are random (you don't know what they are when you pick them up).
Speedy - The game will begin at the fastest possible speed.
Tunnels - There are tunnels to hide in.
Unipass - Only one tunnel connects the two screens.
Tripass - Only three tunnels connect the two screens.
Conveyor Belt - Conveyor belts move bombs and characters.
Trapdoors - You can springboard from screen to screen.
Kick-Kick - Arrows direct kicked bombs (active from the beginning of the game).
See-Saw - Jump on the opposite end of a see-saw to launch bombs and players away or off the screen!
Full-Power - There are no soft blocks and players begin with the highest power level.
Lotsa Items - A stash of items ore available in the middle of the board.
Mini-Mini - The board is only half the size (it fits entirely in the upper screen).
Inferno - There are no hard blocks; there are blast winds from bombs.
Spikes - If you touch the spikes, you die.
Crown Battle - Touch the crown to win.
Full-Power Crown - There are no soft blocks and players begin with the highest power level. Touch the crown to win.
Merry-Go Crown - Touch the crown to win. The crown rides around the board on a conveyor belt.
Blocks - Paint the most floor tiles with you bomb flames to win.
Kick Blocks - Paint the most floor tiles with you bomb flames to win. Arrows bend bombs. You have kick from the beginning.
Zombie - Paint the most floor tiles with you bomb flames to win. You can come back from death but lose your painted tiles.
Bom-Bom - Machines fling bombs around the board.
Barom - Bomberman's enemy, Barom, loiters about.
Random - (Randomly selects one of the boards.)
Boards are set by the host. To change boards, the host taps on the left and right arrows on the lower screen until the desired board is shown.
NOTE: Only the host can see the board selection phase.
4. Setting a handicap (optional):
4a. If the host wants to set a handicap, tap "HANDI" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen once you've selected the board.
4b. In this game, setting a handicap means giving a player an item to compensate for a lack of experience and/or skill.
4c. Players will be displayed on the lower screen in numerical order (players on the same screen have the same color).
4d. First, the host taps on the player that you want to give an item to.
4e. Next, the host taps on the item you want to give to that player.
4f. Each player can receive multiple items as long as they don't share the same activation button or contradict each other.
4g. To delete an item you just gave to a player, make sure the player is highlighted and the host taps "Delete" on the lower screen.
4h. To delete all items given to a player so far, make sure the player is highlighted and the host taps "Clear" on the lower screen.
4j. When all handicaps are set, the host taps "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen (or presses the "A" button).
4k. The host then taps "Back" in the bottom left corner of the lower screen (or presses the "B" button) to return to the board select screen.
NOTE: Only the host can see the handicapping phase.
5. Once board selection and handicapping are completed, the host taps "OK" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
6. The main feature menu will then be displayed; selected options are displayed on the upper screen.
NOTE: Only the host can see the main option menu selection phase.
7. To change the number of sets (games) you will play, the host taps on "Sets" on the lower screen.
The number of sets will cycle through these numbers in this order: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2
8. To change whether or not there will be a tiebreaker in the case of a tie, the host taps on "Tiebreak" on the lower screen.
9. To change the Revenge setting, the host taps on "Revenge" on the lower screen.
9a. When Revenge is set to Yes, you can throw a bomb onto the field after being defeated.
9b. When Revenge is set to Super, you get the same effect as the Yes setting and, if your bomb defeats an opponent, you come back to life.
9c. When Revenge is set to No, you stay defeated once you have been defeated.
9d. If Revenge is set to Yes or Super, a launcher will appear long the bottom of a defeated player's lower screen.
9e. To launch the bomb, touch it with the stylus and then quickly move the stylus toward the upper screen.
9f. The quicker and harder the stylus is moved, the further "upward" the bomb will be thrown.
9g. Revenge cannot be selected in a two-player game (when someone dies, the game's over).
10. To change the Skull setting, the host taps on "Skull" on the lower screen.
10a. If the Skull rule is set to Yes, pickup up a skull means that you've contracted a disease, which lasts for sixty (60) seconds.
10b. Diseases can be cured by passing it to an uninfected player (through touch), after you've been defeated, or when the minute is up.
10c. When you are infected, a black for will surround your character on your screen.
10d. You cannot see black fogs aroung other players, so you won't know if they're infected or not.
10e. There are four different diseases you can contract:
Disease #1 - Diarrhea (you will drop bombs without any control)
Disease #2 - Freeze (you will not be able to move)
Disease #3 - No Placement (you cannot place bombs)
Disease #4 - Speed Down (slows you to your slowest speed)
11. To change the time limit of each battle, the host taps "Time" on the lower screen.
The time limit will cycle through times in this order: 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 1:00
12. To set the Slots rule to No or Yes, the host taps "Slots" on the lower screen.
12a. When Slots is set to yes, a slot machine will appear to each player before the start of the game.
12b. Any player who hits a jackpot, gets to start with whatever that item is.
12c. Items from one battle can be brought to the next battle.
13. To set the starting positions, the host taps "Position" on the lower screen.
The starting positions can either be Fixed (pre-selected) or Random.
14. Once the settings are all set properly, the host taps "OK" on the lower screen.
15. A screen will appear to all players showing them the selected settings and the selected board.
16. To begin the game, the host taps "Next" on the lower screen or presses the "A" button.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. The point of most of the game's boards is simple: blow up everyone that's not you (or that's not on your team).
2. The point of the crown boards is to capture the crown (and to blow all of your enemies up while doing it).
3. Move your bomberman with the direction pad.
4. On most boards, place a bomb by pressing the "A" button.
5. Some boards have voice-activated controls for some features...
5a. Voice Detonate: Speak into the microphone to detonate your bombs.
5b. Voice Bomb: Speak into the microphone to place a bomb.
5c. Voice Shield: Speak into the microphone to activate a protective shield.
5d. Saying almost anything works.
What To Look For
1. The countdown clock that indicates the time remaining is in the top center of the upper screen.
Overall Goals
1. Blow up everyone that's not you or one of your teammates.
2. Stay alive the longest.
3. Capture the crown (some boards).
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