Hint #1 - The Bomberman's New Clothes
Want to change your color, but the game won't let you? You still can! Even if you have only two players, enter the Team selection screen (the
game won't allow you to be on the same team if there is only two players). Now, simply drag and drop your character's icon onto the color of your
choice! Remember, though, that team settings will stay from game to game within a match, but they won't hold up from one match to another, so
you'll have to reselect your color for each match.
Hint #2 - Cascading Boomers
Remember that one bomb can set off another, even if the same person/computer character threw/kicked/dropped them. Before you place and/or set
off your bombs (the ability to do either changes based on which board you're playing on), know where all the bombs in the area are.
Hint #3 - Know Who Your Friends Really Are
In a multiplayer game with more than one player/character per team (and teammates look identical), you may want to know just who is who. Press the
R button to attach a label to each character. The labels will only be on the screen for as long as you hold the R button in.
Hint #4 - Set Up A Grid
Picking up a bomb upgrade allows you to place bombs before the previous ones detonate. A great way to sneak in a kill is if one bomb blows up
another, a defeat your opponent may not have seen coming.
Hint #5 - Tunnel Vision
If your bombs flame out more than one space in each direction, they can also detonate through the tunnels. Bombs can also be placed inside of
the tunnels. Watch tunnels closely before proceding, since they're the only part of the board you can't see into.
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