Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
NOTE: To skip the opening sequence, tap the lower screen while the music is playing.
3. When "Press Start" appears on the lower screen, the host taps anywhere on the lower screen or presses the Start button.
Downloading & Rules Selection
1. The host taps twice on "Versus Mode" (the third option from the top) or presses down twice on the direction pad and then the "A" button.
2. The host taps twice on "DS Download Play" (the third option from the top) or presses down twice on the direction pad and then the "A" button
3. The host selects the game type by tapping on their choice to highlight it: Death Match (kill your opponents) or PointMatch (score the most points). (Row 1)
4. The host selects the battle type by tapping on their choice to highlight it: Single Battle (no teams) or Tag Battle (teams). (Row 2)
5. The host selects the game depth by tapping on their choice to highlight it: 1 Line (one fighting depth) or 2 Line (two fighting depths). (Row 3)
6. The host selects the time limit by tapping on their choice to highlight it: 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or no time limit (infinity). (Row 4)
NOTE: No time limit is unaviable when playing a PointMatch.
7. The host selects the spirit card status by tapping on their choice to highlight it: SpiritCards (on) or NoSpiritCards (off).
8. When all of the rules have been selected, the host taps "START" in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
9. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
10. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
11. When the graphic bar appears saying "BLEACH Dark Souls", the guests tap on it.
12. The guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
13. When the host's DS says that all guests trying to connect are connected, the host taps "Start" in the bottom center of the screen.
Character Options & Stage Selection
1. An option screen will load with one column per each of the four participants (if there are less than four people, the other characters will be controlled by the game).
2. To switch between categories, each player will press up or down on the direction pad.
3. To change the selection for a category, press left or right on the direction pad.
4. The categories, what they mean, how they affect gameplay, and who can change what are as follows...
4a. Category 1: Character (each player selects their own character and any AI characters, each character can be used by all players/AI)
4b. Category 2: Outfit Color (four available to start per character, each player selects their own)
4c. Category 3: Spirit Cards (Slot A will have the Spirit Cards turned on for that character and None will have them turned off fo that character)
4d. Category 4: Team (each player selects their own/the AI's, the only restriction is that all four characters cannot be on the same team)
4e. Category 5: Control (each player selects their own, "Manual" means all non-card moves are via buttons, "Auto" uses the touch screen)
4f. Category 6: Handicap (each player selects their own: the higher the handicap, the more powerful the character; can be set from 0 to -8)
4g. Category 7: Controller (set to "Human" for a human player, set to "AI LV 0" through "AI LV 8" for AI - the AI's default is "AI LV 3")
4h. Category 8: Battle Area Selection (areas can be set by anyone and are identified only by number (1 through 16); the default is for random stage selection)
5. For players to switch between their settings and any AI character's settings (when available), press the "L" and "R" buttons.
6. When all settings are set as desired, every player must tap "Start" (in the bottom center of the lower screen) or highlight "Start" and press the "A" button.
Game Controls / How To Play
1. Movement - Left Or Right: Press left or right on the direction pad.
2. Movement - Crouch: Press down on the direction pad.
3. Movement - Jump: Press up on the direction pad.
4. Movement - Double Jump: Press up on the direction pad while in mid-air.
5. Movement - Dashing: Press right (or left) twice quickly to dash right (or left).
6. Movement - Switching Lines: Press the "L" button to switch between the front and rear fighting lines.
7. Flash Step: Press the "B" button (this action requires one bar of Spiritual Power).
NOTE: Depending on the character, Flash Step will either teleport your character behind the current opponent or move them closer or further away.
8. Attack - Heavy: Press the "A" button.
9. Attack - Medium: Press the "X" button.
10. Attack - Light: Press the "Y" button.
11. Throw An Opponent: Move toward the opponent with the direction pad and press any two attack buttons together.
12. Block/Guard: Press the "R" button.
12a. Blocking while standing protects from standard and jump attacks (but not crouch attacks, throw attacks, and special attacks).
12b. Blocking while crouching protects from standard and crouch attacks (but not jump attacks, throw attacks, and special attacks).
12c. Blocking while jumping protects from standard and jump attacks (but not throw attacks and special attacks).
12d. Throws can be blocked by pressing any two attack buttons together at the same time a throw is attempted.
NOTE: While in a match involving only two characters, pressing away from the opponent (left or right) will also block/guard.
13. Guard Cancel/Counter-Attack: To come out of a block attacking, use a Flash Step, a special attack, or a Spirit Card while under attack.
14. Damage Cancel: Press the "B" button at the same time as an attack (or use a Spirit Card) to cancel the current damage (one Spiritual Pressure is required).
15. Recover: Quickly press left and right repeatedly after being knocked down to speed up recovery and stand back up quicker.
16. Pause the game: Press the Start button (also, while paused, the move set for the current character can be seen).
NOTE: Only the host can pause the game and select the Command List (move set), but each player will see their own move set.
Special Attacks & Super Attacks: ...
1. Each character has their own set of special and super attacks.
2. To view this list, pause the game with the Start button and (when "Command List" is highlighted) press the "A" button.
3. In the attack list, L (Light Attack) refers to the "Y" button.
4. In the attack list, M (Medium Attack) refers to the "X" button.
5. In the attack list, H (Heavy Attack) refers to the "A" button.
6. If the control is set to "Auto" on the options menu, special moves can also be activated by tapping buttons on the lower screen.
7. The buttons in "Auto" control will read "SP.A" for special move A, etc. or "Super A" for super attack A, etc.
8. If a special attack is activated while the Spritual Power is at least one bar, it can become reinforced (enhanced).
1. Spirit Cards are available when they're turned on during the Rules Selection and left on (Slot A) during Character Options Selection.
2. Spirit Cards are displayed on the left half of the lower screen with four being displayed at a time.
3. The name of the card (along the top of the card) will indicate its effect.
4. The photo on the card will indicate the character it's associated with (but this does not affect who can use the card).
5. The card's construction points (card value, used when constructing a deck in Single-Player gameplay) are displayed in the card's bottom left corner.
6. The effect level (strength) of the card (4 being the strongest, 1 being the weakest) is displayed on the bottom center of the card.
7. The target of the card is located in the card's bottom left corner...
7a. 1 Down Arrow: The card will affect the player using it.
7b. 1 Up Arrow: The card will affect one enemy.
7c. 2 Up Arrows: The card will affect all enemies.
7d. The Letter A: The card will affect all players.
7e. The Letter N: The card will affect the stage setting.
8. The color of the card indicates what type of card it is...
8a. Blue: Recovery (self)
8b. Green: Reinforcement (self)
8c. Orange: Other (all players)
8d. Purple: Action (opponent)
8e. Red: Attack (opponent)
9. To activate a Spirit Card, tap it.
10. Once activated, a countdown will appear on the activated card, keeping track of how much use the card has left.
NOTE: Cards will either countdown the amound of time remaining for the card's effect or the number of automatic uses left for the card.
11. When the card's effect has ended, the card will be discarded and (if there are more unused cards in the deck) another card will take its place.
12. Additional Spirit Cards can be collected and organized into decks in the single-player game.
What To Look For
1. On the upper screen, each player's current status is displayed across the top edge of the screen.
1a. The blue bar represents health (Soul Gauge).
1b. The green bar represents the Spiritual Pressure Gauge (for building up Spiritual Pressure Stock).
1c. The white marks beside the green bar represent the Spiritual Pressure Stock (for performing special moves).
1d. A character's picture will only be displayed for your own character.
2. On the upper screen, the amount of time remaining (if there is a time limit) is displayed in the top center of the screen.
3. On the upper screen, the number of hits in the current combo move will be displayed beneath the current status of the character performing the move.
4. On the upper screen, the Spiritual Power Gauge is located in the bottom left corner of the screen (for performing various moves).
5. On the lower screen, the card stock number (the number of remaining Spirit Cards still in your deck) is in the top left center of the screen.
6. On the lower screen, your Spirit Card Stock (available energy for Spirt Card use) is beneath the card stock number.
7. On the lower screen, the Spirit Cards are located on the left side of the screen, beneath the Spirit Card Stock.
NOTE: For explanations of the information on Spirit Cards, see the above section.
8. On the lower screen, the emblems (icons representing charactes with colored outlines representing team affiliations) are in the top right corner.
9. On the lower screen, Special Attack Shortcut Buttons are located on the right half of the screen.
Overall Goals
3. Score as many points as possible. (Point Victories)
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