Hint #1 - Items, Baby, Items!
Know your items! Some are helpful and some aren't. Try picking your top three or four to look for before the stage begins, as well as one or two that you want to distinctly avoid. For a complete list of items and the effect(s) they have, check out DSSingleCard.com's Arkanoid DS Walkthroughs.
Hint #2 - Southern Control
If you're using the Stylus control scheme, don't control the paddle by touch the stylus directly to the paddle (you're likely to partially block your view of the board with part of your hand). Instead, touch the stylus to the lower screen below the paddle, and drag it left and right from there.
Hint #3 - Paddle Controller
Arkanoid DS is compatible with the Paddle Controller attachment that fits into the GameBoy Advance port (Slot-2). The paddle is sold separately and is not available in the United States, but can be imported. Keep in mind, the paddle controller is compatable with the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo DS Lite, but it will not be compatable with the upcomind Nintendo DSi system.
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