Walkthrough #1 - Building Costs (DS Single Card Download play)
1. Archery Range (build on any eligible blue square): 58 Food + 48 Gold + -- Favor
2. Barracks (build on any eligible blue square): 48 Food + 58 Gold + -- Favor
3. Farm (build on a blue square adjacent to a Mill): 15 Food + 58 Gold + -- Favor
4. Mill (built on food squares only): 15 Food + 58 Gold + -- Favor
5. Mine (built on a gold mine only): 191 Food + 58 Gold + -- Favor
6. Shrine Of Zeus (build on any eligible blue square): 96 Food + 96 Gold + -- Favor
7. Stable (build on any eligible blue square): 72 Food + 72 Gold + -- Favor
8. Tower (build on any blue square): 39 Food + 77 Gold + -- Favor
Walkthrough #2 - Personnel Costs (DS Dingle Card Download play)
1. Architect Unit (At the Town Center): 48 Food + 20 Gold + -- Favor
2. Chimera Unit (At a Shrine Of Zeus): -- Food + 145 Gold + 55 Favor
3. Hippokon Unit (At a Stable): 82 Food + 105 Gold + -- Favor
4. Hoplite Unit (At a Barracks): 91 Food + 77 Gold + -- Favor
5. Minotaur Unit (At a Shrine Of Zeus): -- Food + 120 Gold + 45 Favor
6. Myrmidon Unit (At a Barracks): 96 Food + 129 Gold + -- Favor
7. Toxotes Unit (At an Archery Range): 96 Food + 82 Gold + -- Favor
Walkthrough #3 - Tutorial #01: The Action Menu
1. Oracle: "Welcome to the Age of Empires: Mythologies Tutorial Missions."
2. Oracle: "If you feel comfortable with games of this typer, skip ahead to the Egyptian Campaign!"
3. Oracle: "In this Tutorial Mission, we will cover the basis of Unit Selection and the Action Menu."
4. Oracle: "Using the +Control Pad or the Touch Screen, you can select any unit you control."
5. Oracle: "Selecting an able Unit will enter Move mode."
6. Oracle: "Moving allows you to change the position of your units in the mission."
7. Oracle: "Use the +Control Pad ot the Touch Screen to select this Hoplite Unit. Touch the Hoplite or move the cursor to it and press"
8. Oracle: "the A Button." (Tap the Hoplite Unit.)
9. Oracle: "That's right. Now, your Hoplite is ready to Move."
10. Oracle: "When you select any Unit, tiles on the map will highlight to show you where you can Move."
11. Oracle: "Touch you Unit's destination with the Touch Screen, or select it with the +Control Pad and the A Button." (Tap a destination square and then tap "Done".)
12. Oracle: "Each of your Units may Move once each turn, and may take one additional Action from the Action Menu."
13. Oracle: "After Moving, the Action Menu will appear automatically. Your Unit can perform one Action from this menu, or you can select Done to pass"
14. Oracle: "that Unit's Turn."
15. Oracle: "When you are finished taking Actions with your Units, press the A Button on any empty tile or Touch the End Day button on the"
16. Oracle: "Touch Screen. This allows your opponent to begin theiur Turn."
17. Oracle: "When your opponents end their Turns, it will be your Turn to act again, readying each of your Units for further Actions."
18. Oracle: "In addition the the Move Action, each Unit features at least one other ability you can select on your Turn."
19. Oracle: "Attacking is the second most important type of Unit Action. When an enemy Unit is close enough to be Attacked the Attack option will"
21. Oracle: "When you choose the Attack Action, the enemies who can be Attacked will be highlighted."
22. Oracle: "Select this Hoplite Unit. Touch the Hoplite or more the cursor to it and press the A Button." (Tap the Hoplite Unit.)
23. Oracle: "From the Action Menu, choose the Attack option." (Tap "Attack".)
24. Oracle: "The nearby opponents are highlighted. Notice that the further enemy is not highlighted, as your Hoplite is too far to Attack it."
25. Oracle: "Select a nearby enemy Unit." (Tap the highlighted enemy.)
26. Oracle: "Excellent. You've defeated the enemy Hoplite."
27. Oracle: "Ranged Units have the advantage over other Types of Units because of their ability to Attack from a number of tiles away."
28. Oracle: "The Toxotes Unit is the basic Greek Archer. With their bows, they can Attack a Unit that is up to 3 tiles away."
29. Oracle: "Unfortunately, this carries with it an important disadvantage."
30. Oracle: "Ranged Units typically cannot Attack adjacent Units. If your Ranged Unit is Attacked by another Unit, run it away!"
31. Oracle: "Select this Toxotes Unit." (Tap the Toxotes Unit.)
32. Oracle: "Choose the Attack option, and a target Unit. Ranged Units can Attack from a long distance." (Tap "Attack" and then the enemy unit.)
33. Oracle: "Notice that the opponent's Unit did not get to counterattack! This is the benefit of Ranged Units!"
34. Oracle: "Finally, select Herakles. Herakles is a Hero Unit."
35. Oracle: "Hero Units each have a unique Hero Power, which can be selected from the Action Menu." (Tap Herakles.)
36. Oracle: "Hero Powerscannot be used every Turn, and each Hero requires a diffewrent number of Turns to recharge their Power." (Tap "Hero Power" and then the enemy unit.)
37. Oracle: "Great! Using Hero Powers successfully can have a massive effect on your battles."
Walkthrough #4 - Tutorial #02: Building And Training
1. Oracle: "In this mission, we will cover Building and Training."
2. Oracle: "In Age of Empires: Mythologies, you will do more than just command a force of Units into battle."
3. Oracle: "You will also build a City to support and train new Units."
4. Oracle: "Certain Units, including Greek Architect, Egyptian Villager, and the Norse Ulfsark can create Buildings from the Action Menu."
5. Oracle: "Select this Architect Unit." (Tap the Architect unit.)
6. Oracle: "With the Builder Unit selected, you will see available Building locations highlighted like this."
7. Oracle: "Move your Architect to one of the highlighted tiles." (Double tap on a highlighted square.)
8. Oracle: "Now, choose the Build option from the Action Menu." (Tap "Build".)
9. Oracle: "The Build Menu lists all of the Buildings you are able to create with your Civic Unit. To the right of each is its cost in Gold, Food,"
11. Oracle: "On the top screen, you can see information about the currently selected Building before you build it."
12. Oracle: "Select the Barracks Building from the Build Menu." (Tap "Barracks".)
13. Oracle: "Your Villager begins construction, but can take no further Actions thi Turn."
14. Oracle: "Buildings finish their construction at the beginning of your next Turn if their builder is still alive."
15. Oracle: "The two types of Buildings that do not need to be built adjacent to the Town Center are Mines and Mills."
16. Oracle: "Egyptian and Greek players can build these Buildings anywhere with a Food or Gold Resource."
17. Oracle: "This resourced allows the construction of a Mill. Mills produce the Food Resource required for Buildings and Units to"
18. Oracle: "be created."
19. Oracle: "This resourced allows the construction of a Mine. Mines produce the Gold Resource required for Buildings and Units to"
20. Oracle: "be created."
21. Oracle: "When you have enough resources, you can train new Units from certain Buildings."
22. Oracle: "Each Class of Unit requires a different Building to produce."
23. Oracle: "Infantry Units are trained from the Barracks."
24. Oracle: "Ranged Units are trained from the Archery Range."
25. Oracle: "Cavalry Units are trained from the Stable."
26. Oracle: "Siege Units are trained from the Siege Workshop."
27. Oracle: "Heroes and Myth Units are trained from the Shrine."
28. Oracle: "To train a new Unit from the appropriate Building, first make sure that there are no other Units standing in the same tike as the"
30. Oracle: "Next, select the Barracks and choose the Train option from the Action Menu."
31. Oracle: "The Build Menu will lsit available Unit types to train. Like Buildings, Units require Food, Gold and Favor resources before they can"
32. Oracle: "be trained."
33. Oracle: "Select the Hoplite Unit from the Build Menu to train one." (Tap "Train" and then tap "Hoplite".)
34. Oracle: "New Units begin play disabled, and with only a quarter of their health. They will grow to full health at the start of your next Turn unless"
36. Oracle: "Excellent! Now you are able to maintain your civilization's cities and armies."
Walkthrough #5 - Tutorial #05: Victory
1. Oracle: "In this Demonstration, we will cover Conquest and Temple Control."
2. Oracle: "In Age of Empires: Mythologies, there are a number of ways to win a competitive game."
3. Oracle: "The first and most straight-forward is the Conquest victory."
4. Oracle: "A player wins by Conquest when all of their opponent's Units and Buildings have been destroyed."
5. Oracle: "The second way to win involves Temples."
6. Oracle: "Temples such as this are placed in strategic points around the map, and can be captured by most of your Human and Hero Units."
7. Oracle: "Captured Temples produce Favor, which you can use to train powerful Myth Units."
8. Oracle: "At the start of each turn, if a player controls a Temple they will gain Victory Points."
9. Oracle: "When a player earns enough Victory Points, they are declared the winner."
10. Oracle: "If your opponent has captured a Temple, rout them quickly! Their Victory Point advantage could win them the game!"
Walkthrough #6 - Tutorial #06: Resources
1. Oracle: "In this Demonstration, we will cover Resources."
2. Oracle: "There are four essential resources in Age of Empires: Mythologies."
3. Oracle: "Food is a resource gathered from Mills, Farms and Town Centers."
4. Oracle: "Gold is a resource gathered from Mines, Mine Shafts and Town Centers."
5. Oracle: "Favor is a resource gathered from Temples and Shrines. Each Culture has a unique source of additional Favor."
6. Oracle: "The Egyptians use Obelisks to gather Favor. Each Obelisk built increases the Egyptian Favor income."
7. Oracle: "The Greeks" gain a larger amount of Favor from their Shrines and Temples, but earn less overall than an established Egyptian or Norse"
9. Oracle: "The Norse gain Favor in Combat. For each hitpoint or damage dealt by Infantry, Cavalry, Heroes and Myth Units, the Norse gain points"
11. Oracle: "Food and Gold are used to create Buildings and Human Units, as well as to research Civic Technologies."
12. Oracle: "Favor is used to train Myth Units and to research Divine Technologies."
13. Oracle: "The fourth Resourse is Population. Each player begins play with 20 Maximum Population."
14. Oracle: "Population is increased by 5 each time you Age Up."
15. Oracle: "Just as Mills can only be built on Food Resources and Mines on Gold Resources, the foundations of potential Town Centers are"
16. Oracle: "required to build a new Town Center of your own."
17. Oracle: "Balancing the four resources to maintain your economy and provide for your army is the key to successful play."
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