Hint #1 - Time = Money (And Vice Versa)
There are two ways to limit the length of a game (in terms of time). One of them is to lower the amount of funds made available to each player
(less funds = less units = quicker battle). For an ever quicker battle, have each player select one (and only one unit): the first player to lose
their unit loses the games.
Hint #2 - Split Your Focus
There are two ways to win: destroy all of your opponent's units and capture their headquarters. This also means that you can lose by either
method. Press ahead, but don't forget to keep an eye on opposing units and how close they are to your headquarters.
Hint #3 - To Fog Or Not To Fog?
One of the pre-game decisions you'll have to make is whther or not the Fog Of War is on or off. The Fog Of War is, essentially, limited
visibility. In a real-world situation, troops can't see the whole country they're battling in at any one time - they can only see a few miles around
them (and the troops still at the headquarters can see aroud the headquarters and report back to you as well). When the Fog Of War is on, you can only
see an area around your unit and an area around your headquarters. In a video game situation, you can see all kinds of things that you can't see in
real life. So, when the Fog Of War is off, the entire on-screen area is visible. Whether the Fog Of War is on or off, the visibility is the came for
all players. You just need to ask yourself, "Do I want everyone to have realism/restricted vision or an all-revealed field?"
Hint #4 - Fog Sneak
When the Fog Of War is set to on, each player will only have limited visibility (only the area around their unit and their controlled buildings).
Staying just beyond view of the buildings, try working your way through the field in a way that doesn't reveal your location until you approach and
opponent's base (this is easy to do with only two or three people, but difficult to do with higher numbers).
Hint #5 - The Suicide Switch
There may come a time, particularly on the larger-sized playing fields, where you're caught in a battle far away from your headquarters, but your
headquarters is under attack. If you don't have enough time to get back, and if you have enough units still ready to go, intentionally get your unit
killed quickly. This way, you can select a new unit which will appear back sat your headquarters to protect it (and you then won't lose the game when
your headquarters is captured).
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